December Newsletter of the European Evangelical Alliance



EEA News


Pray with us

1. Prayer call Ukraine
2. Mission Net Congress:

  • Save travels for everyone, no snow in Germany
  • God´s hand and protection upon the congress, staff and participants
  • People responding to the call of God to live a missional lifestyle wherever he calls them
  • The final 20,000€ to come in

3. Peace in homes, churches and countries for the coming holidays. 


1. Mission Net congress, 28th December
2. Week of Prayer, 5-11 January
3. Good News Cafe, 30 January


In about 10 days….

on the 28 December, the 3rd Mission-Net congress will take place for 5 days in Offenburg, Germany. More than 2500 people from over 50 nations have registered. A growing number of participants come from Kosovo, Albania, Serbia and Macedonia. 110 organisations will be presented in the Global Market and next to many interactive opportunities and 72 seminars, we offer a great range to discover and develop your calling via councelling, mentoring, gifting exercises, personality profiling and a dream centre. The support from so many sides, especially the various Evangelical Alliances and mission agencies have been a huge encouragement! For more information:

Master’s Commission

is a discipleship training school in The Netherlands. We are dedicated to training young people to live a life of worship, servanthood, and proven character; both inside and out of the church. Students from many nations have come to us to be challenged to grow in their love of God and others. MCAN students have assisted EEA at the General Assembly.(more..)

Dear EEA friends,

As I am writing these words I am sitting in a hotel near Schiphol airport. My flight last night was cancelled due to the heavy storm affecting much of Northern Europe. Because of this I am not able to attend a meeting in Geneva today. This is unfortunate. But I have nothing to complain about compared to many people who have been affected severely by this storm or thinking of people in the Philippines who have lost dear ones and all their belongings. In fact I have many things to be thankful for!

The other day I read a quote from a letter Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote to his parents during his time in prison: “In everyday life one does often not recognise that one receives much much more than one gives and that thankfulness ultimately makes life rich. (more…)

A free evangelistic newspaper for Christmas

The Swiss Evangelical Alliance produces again a free magazine in tabloid newspaper format. Christians can use this in witnessing to their friends, neighbours and countrymen. The newspaper is called “Viertelstunde für den Glauben”, which means “A quarter of an hour for the faith”.(more…)

Being Good News People

to Europe in Crisis
Thank you to all the General Assembly attendees who participated so enthusiastically in the response sessions as we reflected together on how Christians are ministering to a continent in crisis and what role Evangelical Alliances can play in being a dance floor and facilitating the wonderful work of their members. Here are just a few of the dreams and next steps people wrote down. (more..)

Have a blessed Christmas.

Rejoice in the coming of our Lord.

Children’s Ministry Networking

Recently reading the Biblical account of the life of Josiah in 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35 reminded me again of the powerful influence parents and grandparents can have! Becoming King of Judah at 8 years of age with a heart already sensitive to God, at 16 he devoted himself to serving God.(more..)

Minister Kyenge encourages

Evangelical churches to be places of integration.
 “Integration will take place with the help of Evangelical churches”. This is what Italian Minister Cécile Kyenge said on 1 st December in a public conference that was held in San Benedetto del Tronto on the Adriatic Sea.(more…)

Equip conference

EEA is delighted with the success of the European Freedom Network’s Equip event, 18-22 November in Cyprus. EFN, a strategic network of EEA, unites Christian ministries working in the fields of human trafficking and sexual exploitation ministry and now has 130 projects in membership.  Over 90 partners came to Limassol for a week of prayer, encouragement, connecting and equipping on strategic topics that had been identified as priorities for partners.(more..)

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