Advocates International: ANAJURE (Brazil) Hosting Several Religious Freedom Events Across Brazil this Week


An Advocates International

Prayer Alert 

March 11, 2014

ANAJURE (Brazil) hosting
several Religious Freedom events
across Brazil this week


Dear Friends,   

Our brothers and sisters from ANAJURE (Evangelical Lawyers Association in Brazil) will be hosting several key events around Brazil this week.  Please join with us in praying for God's grace and peace on all of the events, for those attending who do not know Jesus, and for traveling mercies for all involved.  


This week ANAJURE be performing with the grace of God, some important events in various parts of Brazil, taking advantage of several experts in Religious Freedom, Dr. Jonathan Machado (FD – Coimbra) and Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher (WEA and IILR – Germany).

On Wednesday, 12th of March, we will be in Brasilia – Distrito Federal – in Superior Court in the 1st International Congress ANAJURE on Fundamental Civil Liberties (Religious Liberty / Freedom of Expression / Conscientious Objection) – information on .


On the 13th of March, with the grace of God, we will be in São Paulo, at the Mackenzie University, where we will hold the "-Mackenzie ANAJURE International Seminar" with the theme "Religious Freedom as a fundamental human right reports, challenges and theories" with Dr. Machado and Dr. Schirrmacher (Information on: ).


On the 14th of March, also under the auspices of the grace of God, we will be in Curitiba – Paraná, in a pacería with OAB (Order of Lawyers of Brazil), holding the seminar "The right to religious freedom in academia "with the theme" Right to discuss and explore ways of creationism and intelligent design "conference ministered by Dr. Machado (information at: ).


Finally, on the 15th of March, will be in Anapolis – Goiás in UniEvangélica (Evangelical University) where we will be holding a final seminar on religious freedom with Dr. Machado and enclosing with God's grace work week.



We ask your prayers that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be praised we, and built society. Many challenges but greater is He who is with us.

In Christ, his brother,




Thanks again for your continued prayers for Advocates around the globe who are representing people facing persecution and who are sometimes persecuted themselves.  


May the Lord bless and keep you in His perfect. . .


Grace and Peace,

Brent Sig
Brent McBurney


Calling all Advocates

           We are always looking to identify, train, equip, enable  and mobilize advocates,like you, all over the world who are inspired by our core values and want to protect and defend religious freedom, the rule of law, the right to life, peace and reconciliation, human rights and justice for the poor. 

           You can join with us by going to our web site or send us an email.   Thanks.



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