Evangelical Delegation in Italy Meets with Minister of Integration Kyenge


On July 30th a delegation of the Italian Evangelical Alliance  met with Minister Cécile Kyenge, Minister of Integration. She is a Congolese born, the first black minister of the Italian government who had some exposure to the Gospel years ago. She has suffered racist and sexist verbal abuses for her commitment towards the integration of the “new Italians”.

The Evangelical delegation expressed the solidarity of the Evangelical people and the commitment of Evangelical churches to be places of integration of peoples from different countries and backgrounds. Giacomo Ciccone, chairman of the Italian EA said to her that “Every evangelical church is a small ministry of integration”.

She had words of appreciation for the witness of Evangelicals in society and asked us to continue to show that integration is possible. Leonardo De Chirico prayed for her at the end of our time together, asking for God’s protection on her and praying that all of us seek God and His kingdom. She responded very well to several initiatives that were presented (e.g. on religious freedom) and promised her full support.

Alleanza Evangelica Italiana
Vicolo S. Agata 20
00154 Roma

[email protected]

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