MENA leaders gathered for General Assembly in Jordon

Leadership team of MENA

The General Assembly of the Middle Eastern and Northern Africa Evangelical Alliance took place from the 2-5 April in Jordan. Deputy Secretary General Dr Lin represented the World Evangelical Alliance in this important gathering.

The MENA EA serves as a unified platform for evangelical representation and advocacy in the Middle Eastern and North African region, aiming to support, unite, and empower evangelical leaders throughout the area. The alliance is united by a shared objective to promote unity and evangelical identity and driven by a collective aspiration to collaboratively advance God’s reign in the MENA region through spreading the Gospel and fostering Christ-centered transformation within society.

Representatives from Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, UAE, Tunisia, Jordan, Kurdistan, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and the Holy Land were present. They shared about the state of the evangelical churches in their context as well as actual prayer needs. In praying for the region, it was noted that in 2023, there was much unrest and natural disasters related to the region. Special presentations from the peace and reconciliation network, as well as actual ministries for women and youth were further shared.

The World Evangelical Alliance, where the Middle Eastern and Northern Africa alliances are part of, stands in solidarity with our churches in the MENA region. In 2023, the WEA Crisis Response Coordination Center worked with the MENA region to support Syria, Morocco, and Gaza. Dr Lin thanked the alliance leaders for their tireless work and recommitted the support of the global family.

We continue to pray for the leadership of the MENA-EA, Rev. Dr. Jack Sara general secretary, Maher Abu Lail regional coordinator, and pastors Rev. Abdallah Amrane and Rev. David Rihani from the executive committee and brother Bassem Fekry IC member.

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