At their recent General Assembly, the Alianza Evangélica Latina (Latin Evangelical Alliance, AEL) decided to launch a children’s commission to respond to the unique needs and opportunities of children. World Evangelical Alliance Children’s Network Coordinator Rev Dr Rebecca Goropevsek joined the conversations with representatives of children’s ministries from several Latin American countries introducing the vision of serving children at the global level and encouraging them as they explore the unique role the children’s commission will play in their region.
“I am very thankful that I could participate in this historic moment and witness the crucial decision of the AEL to launch a children’s commission. It was providential that the GA this year was held in New York City, which allowed me to come and be part of the conversations,” Goropevsek said. “I was touched by their love and passion for children and that they are seeking to unite closely and collaborate within their region for the sake of the younger generation.”
Meeting at Promise Church in New York City from October 18-22, the AEL brought together national Evangelical Alliance leaders from all 22 member countries in Latin America, the United States and Spain. With more than 100 million evangelicals, many countries in Latin America have seen an extraordinary growth of evangelicalism over the past century, and churches play an important role in society.
Several session at the AEL GA highlighted the need to focus on raising children in faith and disciple them from a young age. But they also spoke of the challenges of children-at-risk and unaccompanied minors especially in Central American nations. Several global children ministries were also part of the GA program or represented among participants, including OneHope that presented the latest research on Bible engagement among children and youth, and the Global Children’s Forum that facilitates collaboration among children’s ministries within and across different countries.
“It is so encouraging to see such an important region as Latin America recognize the need to put an intentional emphasis on children and officially creating a commission that focuses on raising the next generation in faith. The worldview of a child begins to be shaped at a very early age, so planting faith from the beginning is crucial for them to be able to stand on the firm foundation of Christ as they grow up,” Goropevsek said. “Join me in praying for their wisdom as they continue conversations and find ways of collaborating effectively. May the Holy Spirit give them inspiration as they explore how to best serve children in Latin America.”
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