You are invited to an online seminar on June 6th at 3pm BST to explore how women and men can break the pattern of gender inequality that hampers the impact of the global Church. Andrew Bartlett QC, author of Men and Women in Christ is one of the panel of speakers who will look at how inadequate teaching and tradition have distorted the roles of women and men in ministry.
Helene Fisher an expert in gender and persecution with Open Doors International will show how we can break free of those distortions.
The seminar is organised by Rise in Strength, a network of women and men from over 30 nations who want to see women and girls released to fully use their gifting in Church and community.
The seminar does not want to only explore the problems. It seeks to bring practical change Funmi Para Mallam, a leader in church and government in Nigeria will encourage us to see the possibilities when men and women lead transformation.
Rise in Strength is proud to encourage discussion on key aspects of faith and the role of women in the Church. The seminar will have plenty of opportunity for conversation and questions on practical steps to equality in many different contexts.
You can register for this free seminar on Monday June 6th at 3pm BST
(10am EST, 4pm Berlin, 5pm Kenya, 10pm Malaysia)
Zoom Meeting ID: 893 6122 5984
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