Response to Terror Attacks in London



In response to the horrific bombing attacks in London , we at the World Evangelical Alliance extend our deep sympathy to the British people, in particular those directly impacted by these acts of violence. In addition, we call on our network of 3 million churches to pray for those affected by this tragedy. Geoff Tunnicliffe, WEA International Director, called Joel Edwards, the General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of the UK , to express concern and sympathy on behalf of the global church community.

Tunnicliffe said, “The people of London have today once more joined those whose daily lives are affected by violence. Our hearts go out to all victims of terror in London today, and to all such victims everywhere, especially to those who have lost family or friends.” Commenting further Tunnicliffe states, “Feelings of insecurity are part of the experience of so many people in this world at the moment. People are not only struggling with the fragility of life as they face acts of terror but also with the intense suffering caused by extreme poverty and disease. The fact these bombings took place on the day of the G-8 meetings with its focus on global poverty juxtaposes these issues and brings them into sharp focus.”

The World Evangelical Alliance is calling on its global community to both pray and act in practical Christian love. We call upon all followers of Christ to diligently pray for:

All those grieving the loss of family members
All those who have been physically and emotionally harmed
Help for people in overcoming real, deep and immobilizing fears
A decrease in all forms of hate crimes and racism
The perpetrators of this violence and all other global violence
Opportunities to demonstrate and proclaim God’s love and forgiveness for all people everywhere, through Jesus Christ
G-8 leaders as they make decisions that will impact the poor
For Christ’s Kingdom to come
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33b

For more information or for an interview contact:

Sylvia Soon, Communications Coordinator

E-mail: [email protected]

Direct Line: 604.838-3922

The World Evangelical Alliance is a global network of 123 nations who each have formed an evangelical church alliance. Nearly 3,000,000 local churches and 380 million Christians identify with these alliances.

The Micah Challenge is a global campaign of the World Evangelical Alliance that will raise a prophetic and powerful voice for and with the poor. It looks both inwards, to deepen Christian commitment to economically poor communities, and outwards, urging leaders of rich and poor nations to fulfill their public promise to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

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