WEA International Council Meeting


For Immediate Release
December 2, 2005

The top representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance extended the term of
Geoff Tunnicliffe, the WEA International Director, for three more years to a
total of five years, during their annual gathering on Dec. 1, 2005.

Members of the International Council, the WEA’s board of representatives, made
the decision as part of a longer-term strategy to build the global voice of
the Alliance and to initiate strategic partnerships for Christ-centered
transformations within society.

“The extension of Geoff’s appointment as the International Director for the
next five years is a significant move, which we hope will continue the
momentum that has been building in the World Evangelical Alliance,” said Ndaba
Mazabane, chairman of the International Council. “Our goal is to solidify the
Alliance’s governance and operational structures as it builds its strategies
for growth and wider representation.”

According to Mazabane, the decision was influenced by a study which revealed
that while there are 380 million people directly related to the WEA through
its national and regional alliances, there are at least 800 million people
around the world who embrace global evangelicalism and the mission of the WEA.
These 800 million include Christians from Reformed, Pentecostal and
Charismatic traditions, who believe in the need for Christ-centered
transformations within society.

“There is a realization that the values we stand for can be embraced by these
800 million Christians,” said Mazabane. “Geoff will continue to build bridges
to ensure that these common values we share as Evangelicals are broadened.

Tunnicliffe, who began his term as International Director on May 2005 and will
now serve through May 2010, said he was grateful for the opportunity to extend
the reach of the WEA.

“I feel honored and privileged for this task to strengthen the voice of the
WEA and to serve in this capacity.” said Tunnicliffe. “My hope for the next
five years is that the WEA will foster Christian unity and become a truly
global voice for the 800 million Evangelicals and Pentecostal Christians
around the world.”

“We hope to send a message that we are embracing the wider Evangelical
community, which includes the many Pentecostals who are not officially part of
us,” Tunnicliffe added.

“We are recognizing that this strategy will take more than another 18 months”
said Tunnicliffe, whose initial two-year term was set to end in May 2007. ?We
are building a long term strategy and going on the record to say that we are
seeking ways to foster unity within the 800 million global evangelicals.”

The three-day International Council meeting was held at the German Evangelical
Alliance retreat center in Bad Blankenburg, Germany from Nov. 28 to Dec. 1,
2005. The International Council serves as the WEA board of representatives
and sets the policies and governance of the alliance.

Contact Information:

Pauline Chang, Press Secretary
[email protected]
Direct: +[1] 202.223.7556

Sylvia Soon, Communications Director
[email protected]
Direct: +[1] 604.838.3922

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