Publication of Danish Cartoons


As a group of people with deep faith convictions, the European Evangelical Alliance understands the upset among our Muslim friends and co-citizens about something that they perceive to be deeply insulting to their faith.

At the same time, as Europeans, we also understand that our largely secularised societies find this upset incomprehensible. The satirising or criticism of faith is common in European media. Other faith communities (particularly Christians), while often being upset, have got used to these comments.

The European Evangelical Alliance strongly supports the principle of freedom of speech and an independent media. At the same time, while we believe people should be free to express what they wish, we long for a society in which people think hard before expressing ideas that are bound to cause deep offence.

The EEA condemns all the violence associated with the controversy, and all incitements to violence: we believe these violent reactions only serve to make matters worse. The nation of Denmark
, which also has a strong tradition of contributing very positively to the wider world, does not deserve the anger expressed towards it, because of the publications of a private newspaper.

The European Evangelical Alliance appeals to all concerned parties to reflect and to enter into open and sensitive dialogue. As part of our civic duty as committed Christian people, we stand ready to help any such conversation between affected parties, and, in a spirit of mutual respect and willingness, to find peaceful ways forward for the welfare of all of Europe's citizens.

European Evangelical Alliance (EEA)

Communications Department
E-mail: [email protected]

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