WEA Theological Commission to Meet in Africa for First Time

WEA Theological Commission to Meet in Africa for First Time – Featuring expanded membership and theological consultation

The annual planning and strategy meeting of the WEA Theological Commission for 2006 will be held in at the campus of Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School , Sept 20-24. This will be first time the TC has met in this way on African soil, even though some of its early founders and on-going leaders were from this continent. The event will feature a mini-consultation and opportunities for networking, fellowship and ministry with theologians, churches, missions and other bodies in the area. The consultation theme will be ‘Theological Perspectives on Global Religious Fundamentalism’. ‘Poverty and Social Responsibility’ will also be on the agenda during the event.

It will be the first opportunity for those interested in the newly expanded membership scheme of the TC to participate. The new scheme, which was announced at the beginning of the year, allows for three new categories—Affiliates, Associates and Partners. Affiliates are Theological Commissions or like bodies affiliated with National and Regional Fellowships of the World Evangelical Alliance (or bodies nominated by such Fellowships to represent them). The other two groups, Associates and Partners, are drawn from a wider circle and consist of individuals or institutions interested in the work of the WEA Theological Commission and desirous of supporting its objectives and programs financially, prayerfully and practically. Individuals are known as Associates, while institutions such as seminaries, theological associations, churches, denominations, or mission bodies are known as Partners.

The TC has planned these new categories to allow for a much greater involvement in its work. A spokesman for the TC said that it was particularly keen to contact national theological commissions wherever they exist so that a closer bond could be established for the sharing of resources and networking of personnel. The TC is also committed to encouraging the formation of national and regional TCs in areas where they do not yet exist. National evangelical associations are specially invited to contact the TC so they can be part of the 2006 meeting.

The September event will provide an ideal opportunity to launch the new scheme and develop the TC global programme. The TC is particularly interested in making effective contact with evangelical theologians in the strategic area of Africa .

Further details will be announced as they are finalised. Details of the meeting, information about membership (and application forms) may be obtained from the TC Australian office (email: [email protected])

Upgrade for Popular Theological Resource Library CD-ROM

WEA Theological Commission announces updated and expanded CD-ROM content for 2006 Version

The popular Theological Resource Library CD-ROM from the WEA Theological Commission is now available in a third upgraded version. The new version of the CD-ROM contains an additional five years of the TC’s flagship journal, Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT), bringing it up to 2005, and three new TC publications. These are Dr Ken Gnanakan’s “Responsible Stewardship of God’s Creation”, Dr David Parker’s story of the Theological Commission’s thirty year global ministry, “Discerning the Obedience of Faith”, and a wide ranging internationally authored text book on Eschatology edited by Dr Jochen Eber, “Hope does not Disappoint.” The CD-ROM now contains 29 volumes of the theological journal, making it an invaluable resource of evangelical thought and insights, as well as a mine of information about hundreds of books that have been reviewed in its pages since 1977.

The new 3rd edition of the CD-ROM uses the powerful Libronix search technology from Logos Research Systems which is supplied on the disk and enables users to access e-books from the huge range now available for purchase. The disk retains all the materials from the first and second versions, including TC publications, books from other sections of the World Evangelical Alliance and public domain Bibles and reference books.

Dr David Parker, TC Publications Director, said, “We are pleased to release this new expanded version of the CD-ROM. We are confident it will prove to be even more useful than the earlier ones which have circulated in large numbers since the first release six years ago at the Amsterdam Itinerant Evangelists’ Conference.”

The cost of the new disk is unchanged at US $50 including freight (or other major currencies). Discounts apply to bulk orders and upgrades for previous customers. Ordering details may be obtained from WEA TC Publications, [email protected]

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