WEA Youth Commission News May 2006


Greetings, Youth Commission Leaders!

How thankful we are for all you are doing to hold the torch for reaching youth across the globe. Daryl has been traveling internationally quite a bit this past month. He just returned from his annual ministry in and this week is with his wife in and (mostly on holiday, celebrating their 3oth anniversary.

I share the following reports, as we have them, for your encouragement, but mostly for your prayers.

Russia. Speaking of Daryl, he and Donna took a group of 49 teenagers who conducted an English Camp for 400 Russian students and teachers. The theme, Making Right Choices gave ample opportunity to interject examples of faith and family that influence decision making. Special meetings were offered for those who wanted to explore further. The meetings were very successful, despite the misgivings a few of you may have about Americans teaching anyone about speaking English! 🙂

Costa Rica. Marco reports that the Youth Commission continues to be active there. He reports,” It is growing, not only in numbers but in vision as well. It’s a very exciting stage to be in. People are becoming more involved and better engaged in the meetings.” Marco and his wife just had another healthy baby girl on April 11. Pictures can be seen at www.perezincr3.blogspot.com. Congratulations to them and praise to God!

India. As a result of Youth Commission leadership meetings in Hyderabad (reported last month), a meeting for youth leaders is planned for 24-27 May in New Delhi . Two days will be dedicated to mobilizing and training youth leaders and one day will be set aside for sharing Christ in the community! Pray for them!

United States. As I write, I am in Washington D.C. , preparing for our 17th annual meeting of youth ministry presidents. This year, 45 ministries will be represented, including 15 denominations. Our focus is on “Youth Ministry and the Church of the Future.” There are also other meetings that happen before and after: The Campus Alliance (those ministries targeting ‘s 56,000 secondary schools), a 125th Anniversary celebration of Christian Endeavor ( ‘s oldest youth ministry), and the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 4.

Global Day of Prayer, June 4. I hope you are all planning to be involved in this in some way. This event, initiated in Africa two years ago, is now observed worldwide on the Day of Pentecost, praying across the Body of Christ for the culmination of God’s plan to redeem mankind. Two hundred nations are registered and millions of believers will be involved. Go online at www.globaldayofprayer.com for more information, to register cities and to get your 10-day Prayer Guides.

SKYPE. As requested at the last Youth Commission Meeting, as well as by the WEA office, we want everyone to be able to communicate through the online free phone connection called SKYPE. If you already have your number, please send it to us. If not, we’ll be in touch about how to do that.

Condolences to Donovan. Our hearts and prayers have gone out to Donovan Thomas in who lost his father last month. Services were held just a few days ago. Please continue to hold the family up in prayer.

Next Youth Commission Meeting January 13-15, 2007. Since all of you will be invited to the next Youth Missions Forum in Orlando , January 15-17, 2007, we have decided it would be a good stewardship of time and resources to hold our next YC meeting at the Wycliffe Headquarters there, on the weekend prior. Then, the tentative plan was to hold a Caribbean Youth Commission Training in just following the Missions Forum. The specifics are on hold for now, awaiting the appropriate time to work out the details with Donovan. More to follow!

God bless you all. You are in our prayers!

Paul Fleischmann, Chair

WEA Youth Commission

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