WEA Welcomes Integral Alliance as Newest Affiliate


The World Evangelical Alliance welcomes the Integral Alliance as its newest affiliate member.

“We are delighted that the Integral Alliance has become an affiliate of World Evangelical Alliance,” said Geoff Tunnicliffe, International Director of the WEA. “As a WEA global partner, Integral brings great strength and expertise in church-based relief and development work.”

Integral is a global alliance of 12 independent Christian relief and development agencies working together to present a more effective response to poverty worldwide. Its member agencies are based in Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia, work in 99 countries, fund more than 1000 projects and have a joint annual turnover of over US$200 million.

As the WEA’s seventh affiliate, Integral will serve as a global partner in the field of relief and development and contribute to the WEA’s goal of fostering Christian unity around the world.

“It is our hope that as Integral joins other leaders at our international leadership table, we will be able to further serve our global community through a more integrated and collaborative strategy,” said Tunnicliffe.

Laurie Cook, CEO of World Relief Canada and chair of the Integral Alliance, said “It is a privilege to become a global partner of the WEA.”

“We are a global alliance of Christian relief & development agencies working together to present a more effective response to poverty worldwide, and we believe, that by joining with the WEA, we can further collaborate to meet the needs of all poor people,” said Cook.

Since starting in 2004, Integral has run joint emergency responses in Iraq, Iran, and Indonesia. Integral member Mission East (Denmark) were able to continue working in Northern Iraq as a result of an Integral joint response, and Tearfund (UK) and World Relief (US) are currently responding following the tsunami last year and the recent earthquake in Indonesia.

Integral Member Agencies are increasingly working together in both relief and development situations. A key role of Integral is to facilitate this ever expanding bi-lateral and multi-lateral working environment to encourage and support co-operation, innovation and creativity.

The members of Integral are:

Cedar Fund (Hong Kong),
Läkarmission (Sweden)
Mission East (Denmark)
SEL France (France)
Strømme Foundation (Norway)
Tearfund (Belgium)
TEAR Fund (Netherlands)
TEAR Fund (New Zealand)
Tear Fund (Switzerland)
Tearfund (UK & Ireland)
World Relief (Canada)
World Relief (USA)

Integral is committed to an effective relief co-ordination process to enable more resources, institutional and private funding, and personnel to be sent to where the need is greatest. Integral is also pioneering the delivery of an effective country programme strategy. In Ethiopia Integral members & their partners are collaborating together in order to alleviate more poverty. Integral is committed to building on best practice and measuring the impact of this work.

Website: https://www.integralalliance.org

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World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

World Evangelical Alliance is made up of 127 national evangelical alliances located in 7 regions and 104 associate member organizations. The vision of WEA is to extend the Kingdom of God by making disciples of all nations and by Christ-centered transformation within society. WEA exists to foster Christian unity, to provide an identity, voice and platform for the 420 million evangelical Christians worldwide.

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