European Women’s Commission: Report from Bulgaria


“And the things you have heard… entrust to reliable men, who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Tim. 2:2)

Under the authority of local church government and in support of it, spiritually and socially mature women are needed to contribute to the healthy life and growth of the Body of Christ, serving and shepherding other women according to the biblical pattern. When women are cared for and nurtured spiritually, emotionally, and physically, positive effects are felt in whole families and communities.

In 2003 after a year of planning and preparation, the Women’s Commission of BEA in partnership with Entrust (former BEEI) started a Women’s Training Program. Forty women from five different denominations and from different regions of the country were selected by their denominational and local church leadership to participate in a comprehensive training. They met five times a year in the capital city of Sofia to complete this three-year program of interactive study in small groups.

Thirty women graduated the Program and received their diplomas on the 1st of July 2006. The graduation day was a real celebration of thankfulness to the Lord for His faithfulness and provision. Husbands and other family members were invited as well as local church pastors. There were greetings from the Bulgarian Evangelical Alliance and the Women’s Commission of BEA. Facilitators and friends from Entrust and representatives from our sponsoring partners from MCEE took part in the graduation ceremony. Several of the graduating women shared about the changes and growth in their lives and their commitment to use what they have learned to help others.

These thirty women now hold the responsibility to provide this training for the next phase which has already begun. Over the next three years small teams will equip women in each of five regional centers, who in turn will teach others until, God willing, every church in Bulgaria has access to shepherd training for women.

Please pray with and for these godly women in Bulgaria. We expect that this model will be a challenge to other countries with similar needs, limitations, and opportunities.

Older women are likewise to be reverent in their behavior… teaching what is good, that they may encourage the young women… (Titus 2:3,4)

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