My house shall be a house of prayer for all the nations


Jesus loves the nations. So much so, that he died for them. He also loves it when we love the nations. Sometimes it is difficult for us to express this love because of our natural ethnocentricity. One way of experiencing God’s heart for the nations is through praying for them.

The most spiritually significant time of the year in the Middle East is rapidly approaching. This Friday is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which marks the beginning of Jewish high holidays. Sunday marks the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. During this time Jews and Muslims cry out to God and wait expectantly to hear from him. Please join us as we pray that God will reveal himself during this time.

We have created a website to provide you with more insight on how to specifically pray for these nations. There are facts, history, and specific prayer points submitted by people working in these areas. There are four resources to choose from. They include Jewish, Muslim, and Somali prayer guides as well as a People Profiles book outlining the nations and the peoples of the Middle East. Please click on the link below to visit the site.

Harry Tees
General Secretary, United Christian Council in Israel

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