Caribbean: Seales’ Partnership Letter – Sep. 2006


September 14-17 I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of the 50th anniversary celebrations at the New Testament Baptist Church in Philipsburg, St. Maarten. The services were well-attended and the response to the preaching was encouraging. I ministered from the material that is used to teach national transformation. (See picture attached).

While in St. Maarten I was able to meet with members of the St. Maarten United Ministerial Foundation. For some time there has been discussion with SMUMF about joining EAC and it seems that we’re finally getting to the place where this will happen. It is also encouraging to note that Youth For Christ has agreed to take the plunge into EAC’s membership after years of email discussions and the newly formed Providenciales Ministers Fellowship in the Turks and Caicos Islands has asked about membership in EAC.

The final edition of the hard copy newsletter is with the printer. This newsletter has been produced for 12 years and the current mailing list is 6,800. With assistance from World Evangelical Alliance I expect to move to an electronic edition early in 2007. This will reduce costs financially and in manpower. I hope to have the entire edition in the mail by the end of October.

I keep pushing ahead with my studies. I am now working on the fourth assignment for the current course. Once that is completed I will take a short break.

The software has finally arrived for me to process the information from the sexual practices survey. Several hundred responses have so far been received, but this is way below the more than 4,000 forms that were distributed. Forms are still coming in but please pray with me that the outstanding forms will be in and that God will give me wisdom in processing each form and then in using the data to map the response of the Church.

The idea was mooted at a meeting of regional Ministers of Health that prostitutes should be licensed for the Cricket World Cup in early 2007 in order to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. I immediately asked EAC member-bodies to make representation to their respective governments. I then wrote personally to several Prime Ministers and Cabinet Members whom I had met in recent months. Finally, I released a fairly strong statement to more than 70 media houses in the region. The full text of my press release can be seen on EAC’s website on the news page. Several governments have now issued statements making it clear they will not be accepting the suggestion to license.

October 14 I will be preaching the National Service organised by the Barbados Evangelical Association on behalf of the National HIV/AIDS Commission here in . It is a great opportunity to speak to the nation and I covet your prayers. During the month I will be working long hours on the results of the sexual practice survey and still trying to conclude the fifth assignment in my current course.

Your continued fellowship with us in this ministry is deeply appreciated.

Cyla and Gerry Seale

Rev. Gerald A. Seale, DD,
General Secretary and CEO,
Evangelical Association of the Caribbean,
41 Excel Road, Elizabeth Park, Christ Church BB15092, Barbados,
Tel/Fax: 1-246-427-9746
Web Site:
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