WEA Global Briefing Challenges Evangelicals to ‘Know Your World’


The World Evangelical Alliance, a network of churches and organizations serving 420 million evangelicals in 127 countries, is inviting Christians across the United States and Canada to ‘know their world’ by participating in the 2006 Global Briefing tour this month.

As the world’s largest network of evangelical churches, WEA has the opportunity to impact both the Christian and secular communities in a global scale. Through its Religious Liberties Commission, the WEA participated in peace talks between the Colombian Government and the National Liberation Army. Similarly, through its involvement with the UN Human Rights Council, the WEA met privately with many diplomats to discuss the persecution of Christians around the world. The WEA also represented the global evangelical body at the Rally to Stop Genocide, recently held in Washington D.C., to draw attention to the atrocities occurring in Darfur, Sudan.

According to Geoff Tunnicliffe, the International Director for WEA, the Global Issues Briefing
opens the door for North American Christians to learn about these and other ways Evangelicals are influencing the world around them.

“During the Global Briefing people will hear first-hand stories that are not written or publicized elsewhere,” said Tunnicliffe.
Our goal in traveling to these cities in North America this October is to share some of these insights with the body of Christ.

We want the body of Christ to see the incredible doors that are opening and we want to help them understand how they can respond to these opportunities of global influence,” he added.

In addition to Tunnicliffe, speakers include Johan Candelin, the WEA Goodwill Ambassador and executive director of WEA’s Religious Liberty Commission; Bill Taylor, the WEA Global Ambassador and past WEA Mission Commission Executive Director; and Godfrey Yogarajah, the General Secretary of both the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka and the Evangelical Fellowship of Asia.

The Global Briefing will stop by Orlando, Knoxville, Minneapolis, Colorado Springs, Chicago and Toronto. For specific dates and locations, please visit the Global Briefing 2006 website at:

Contact Information:

Pauline Chang, Press Secretary

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +[1] 202.223.7556

Sylvia Soon, Chief of Staff
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +[1] 604.838.3922

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

World Evangelical Alliance is made up of 127 national evangelical alliances located in 7 regions and 104 associate member organizations. The vision of WEA is to extend the Kingdom of God by making disciples of all nations and by Christ-centered transformation within society. WEA exists to foster Christian unity, to provide an identity, voice and platform for the 420 million evangelical Christians worldwide.
Visit: www.worldevangelicalalliance.com
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