Integral: news



1. Integral Member Agency: New Logo Preview!
2. Programme Networking Group: Living Water for Ugandan Farmers
3. Programme Networking Group: Dreaming Bigger in Cambodia
4. Marketing Networking Group: Donor Management


New Logo Preview!

The release of World Relief Canada’s (WRCA) new logo, comes at the same time as the appointment of Paul Filsinger, new Director of Fund Development…

“Hiring Paul is part of a broad strategy that we have been developing over the last two years,” explains Laurie Cook, CEO of WRCA.

“The process began,” continues Laurie, “with an extensive constituent research project, followed by a strategic plan exercise involving all staff & board members. We then began a brand process which has included a complete communications audit. Existing programmes are being revamped & new ones developed!”

Paul has 14 years development experience with the Canadian Red Cross & Bible League of Canada. He says, “the end result of this process will be an agency in tune & in touch with its constituents & their compassion. We want to execute well designed programmes resulting in excellent holistic ministry, with integral mission being accomplished through strategic partnerships.”


Living Water for Ugandan Farmers

Only 30% of the population of the Kabale district in Uganda have access to clean drinking water. Tearfund UK (TFUK) and TearFund Switzerland (TFCH) have joined forces to increase this percentage…

“The project team has developed a high level of expertise working with communities to build their own water systems,” says Gerhard Bärtschi, CEO of TFCH. “Thanks to the Kigezi water project, 200,000 people now have access to clean water near their houses. But the need is still overwhelming…”

The majority of people in this district live on mountain ranges with no water sources nearby. Women & children journey 3-4 hours daily to the nearest supply. “They have to walk down the mountain, stand in a queue to get water from an unprotected well, & then finally carry the water container on their heads back up the mountain. The small amount of water that people make do with is, amongst other things, a real health hazard,” says Gerhard.

The Kigezi water project enables people to build rain water tanks, develop water-systems for entire villages & learn good health practices. “The project also encourages water committees to maintain their water systems in a self sustaining way, & through inter-village competitions beneficiaries are motivated to practice their health lessons!” says Gerhard.


Dreaming Bigger in Cambodia

Fiona Wilson, Integral’s International Co-ordinator, has just returned from Cambodia, where she visited all the Integral Member Agencies who have work there & their partner agencies on the ground…

“Cambodia was chosen by the Programme Networking Group as the second country, after Ethiopia, to pilot collaborative working,” says Fiona.

Seven Integral members support work in Cambodia. They work in HIV/AIDS, integrated rural development, children’s rights & advocacy, microfinance, youth, & womens’ work. Fiona says, “it was with help from Sidara & Veasa from the World Relief US’s Cambodia office, that I managed to meet all ten partners, find out about their work & introduce them to Integral.”

“It was also a real privilege to hear people’s passion for their work & organisations,” continues Fiona. “I was amazed how much collaboration & networking is already going on. People were very positive about holding a consultation, & kept asking whether those they collaborate with could also come! I told them that we will have to ask the Integral Cambodia Project Group, or it might turn into a very large event, but it was great to have such an enthusiastic response!”

Click here to explore WRUS volunteer Tim Hoiland’s website


Donor Management

We have previously highlighted the areas that the Integral Marketing Group’s shares information & learning – Emerging Church, Youth, & Business. Here we take a look at the last of these ‘Clusters’ – Donor Management…

“I would like to hear what donor management systems other agencies use, & what advice they would give,” said Cecil Van Maelsaeke, General Director of TearFund Belgium.

The Marketing Networking Group (MNG) decided the best way to gather information was to send out a Donor Management Questionnaire. Dave Clubine, Communications Director of World Relief Canada comments: “Sharing experiences of development, donor recruitment & investment return, as well as listening to the ideas of others with regards to our biggest challenges will be invaluable to WRCA.”

This questionnaire is being collated for the this month’s MNG meetings in the Netherlands. These meetings will join up with the Resource Alliance International Fundraising Conference – a major conference for non-profit fundraisers. A number of the MNG will go on to the conference, with Sarah Fordham & Fiona Wilson from the Integral Secretariat attending Master Classes on behalf of those who can’t be there. Fiona will go to ‘Donor Care and Development through Great Direct Marketing’, and Sarah to the ‘Creativity Laboratory’.

For more information about the International Fundraising Conference


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Sent by: Sarah Fordham [email protected]

Integral, United Kingdom

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