Sri Lanka: Statement on deterioration of Human Rights situation


The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka expresses its shock and dismay at the events unfolded in the last few days, turning Sri Lanka into a ‘killing field’.

The massacre of unarmed civilians who were taking refuge at an IDP Camp and the subsequent assassination of the Hon. Member of Parliament and Human Rights activist Mr. Nadarajah Raviraj in the very heart of the high security capital, Colombo sent shock waves through the nation.

These are not isolated incidents but the culmination of a violent culture which has been prevalent in recent times. The killing of minority community politicians, human rights activists, journalists, and the silencing of other democratic voices has become a trend in our society. If this dangerous trend is not arrested immediately, the people of this nation will lose faith in democracy and the justice system.

The perpetrators of these violent acts move freely with impunity while there is a total absence of the rule of law in the land.

While we condemn the acts of violence of all parties, we call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to act justly and righteously to enforce law and order and bring to book the perpetrators of these murders.

From the murder of the Hon. Member of Parliament Mr. Joseph Pararajasingham on the 24th December 2005 at Christmas Mass, to that of the Hon MP Mr. Raviraj on the 8th November 2006, dozens of others have paid with their lives, and yet no one has been brought to account for these dastardly acts.

We call upon every right thinking citizen of this nation to stand up, be counted and let their voice be heard, to put a stop to these barbaric acts so that we can once again stand tall as a nation.

May God grant us grace and strength to transform our nation, so that we might see justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream.

“Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14: 34)

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