
The Brethren in Bo start a citywide crusade under the auspices of Harvest Time Ministries until March 2, 2002. Bro. Samuel Bahinga and a host of Evangelists will be ministering. They require our prayer support. We should all be able to oblige them this. The election process has kicked off with the enumeration of the electorate. We heard the war of words from political factions, a reminder of the ills of political rivalry, which often lead to instability especially at election time. The church needs to thermostat the political climate by prayer, civic education and advocacy. The prayer forum is a rallying point for this and would require your input. As we travel round the country, we continue to be overwhelmed by the effects of the war and the challenges this pose to us as a church. Challenges that we cannot even attempt to take on without much prayer and fasting. With our God, there is no "response-to-prayer" fatigue. Yes, He heard us and granted our request to stop the war in our country, He delights in responding to the effectual and fervent prayers of His children. What a privilege that we can call on Him at all times and how comforting to know that He is always there for us!

Some rollover activities from January were the two-week community based development workshop in Mambolo. This was a very significant input in building the capacity of our staff and other Christian development workers who participated in the workshop. Another highlight this month is the opening of our regional office and launch of the Integrated Community Rehabilitation Programme in Kambia. The Programme components include, supply of agricultural input to resettling farmers in three chiefdoms, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Peace Building. About 60 ex-combatants who enrolled in our vocational training programme will pass out on February 23, 2002. We expect another batch of 100. of these to enroll soon.

Please plot in your diary the date for this year's Annual Convention: September 22-27. The venue is Bo Teachers College in the South. Just in case you are still entertaining doubt about the security situation in the country, this is to let you dispel any fears. We continue to claim everything the devil had snatched from us. The older folks would have fond memories of the good times of fellowship during EFSL Conventions up country and especially in Bo, the birth place (rather the beginning of the birth pangs) of our fellowship. You should not miss out on this, even as we plan to revisit our historic (eternal truths) Christian faith, as Gary Cockerill, a seminary NT Prof. and one time Wesleyan Missionary from the USA, expounds on the general theme of the Authority and Integrity of Scripture for us today.

Aiah Foday-Khabenje

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