WEA Religious Liberty Prayer News – May 2, 2012


In you Lord, I have taken refuge, let me never be put to shamedeliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Psalm 31:1-2

Dear Friends in Christ,

The World Evangelical Alliance is a global ministry working with local churches around the world to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their communities. God is glorified and the nations of the earth are forever transformed.

The purpose of the WEA Religious Liberty Prayer Release is to keep you informed and mobilized in prayer and intercession for the needs of justice and religious liberty in the Church around the globe, so that we can stand together for the work of the Kingdom and the healing of the Nations. The Prayer Release is comprised on the basis of different credible Christian based resources.


21 Evangelical Christians arrested on Good Friday in ERITREA

April 20, It is reported that Eritrean military officials arrested 21 Evangelical Christians who gathered to worship on Good Friday. The group consisted of 11 women who were teachers stationed at Sawa military training centre in Western Eritrea. Reports states that those arrested are detained in metal shipping containers and are undergoing military punishment.

12 May 2012 marks 10 years since the government of Eritrea ordered that religious groups outside of the Orthodox, Catholic, Methodist and Islamic traditions be registered. However, those who applied for registration have yet to receive recognition from the government. Christians in Eritrea have faced various kinds of restrictions, ranging from interference into church administration, to arrest and torture. The church in Eritrea estimates that there are currently as many as 1,000 Christians imprisoned for their religious beliefs.


Prayer points:

  • Pray for the safety of the 21 Christians detained by authorities
  • Pray that God would strengthen their faith and protect them in this time of strife
  • Pray for the release of all Christians languishing in prisons in Eritrea; also pray that amidst their suffering they would experience the presence and love of Christ and be strengthened to endure and radiate grace
  • Pray that God would bless and comfort the Church in Eritrea


2 Christians imprisoned in EGYPT


April 20, An Egyptian court has upheld a 6 year jail sentence handed to a Christian, Makrem Diab for allegedly insulting the prophet Muhammad. The case which began on 29 February 2012 was initiated by a teacher who was a colleague of Makrem. On 16 March, a large mob prevented Makrem’s lawyers from entering the court for an appeal hearing. However the appeal was rescheduled for 5 April where the sentence was upheld. It is reported that the lawyers of Makrem Diab are preparing an appeal to a higher court.


Furthermore on 4 April, 17 year old Gamal Abdou Massoud was sentenced by a court to 3 years imprisonment for inciting strife and insulting the prophet Muhammad. He was sentenced for posting cartoons on Facebook which were deemed offensive to Muslims and also for distributing the cartoons to friends at school. The allegations which surfaced in December 2011 led to violent protests in neighbouring villages leaving several Christians injured and also Christians’ homes being torched. It is reported that an appeal has been submitted and a hearing is scheduled for 7 May 2012.


In both cases, the laws they were convicted under have been on the statute book for many years but were rarely applied during the Mubarak era. The stricter application of these laws in recent months reflects a hardening attitude towards the freedom of expression in some parts of Egypt.


Prayer points:

  • Pray that both Makrem Diab and Gamal Abdou Massoud will be acquitted from all charges
  • Pray that authorities would treat Christians justly and not discriminate against them based on their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Pray that these laws and practice will be changed to grant all Egyptians greater freedom of expression

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Inside of a Khartoum church ransacked by a mob on 21 April (Sudan Change Now)

Churches attacked in SOUTH SUDAN

April 23, Reports state that on 21 April, a 300-strong mob attacked a Presbyterian Church compound in Khartoum's Al-Jiraif District, torching parts of the Church premises.

The priest of the church, Father John Taw stated that "They burned the bible and looted possessions and money,” adding that the attackers included women and children.


The priest further stated that, the imam of the mosque next door, who is known for his extremism, had incited people to destroy the church, claiming that the Church property belonged to Muslims.


It is also reported that 2 independent churches in the district were attacked by an extremist group. James Par Tap, the head of the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church, said in a statement that the group had burnt, destroyed and looted everything in the churches and the Bible School.

Prayer points:

  • Pray for Christians in Sudan who are faced with a negative attitude from the public as well continuous harassment for their faith
  • Pray for God’s protection and guidance over the Church in Sudan in this perilous time
  • Pray that the Christian response to these incidents would be Christ-like in nature bringing glory to the Kingdom

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World Evangelical Alliance – Religious Liberty Commission
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