WEA participates in a Day of Prayer for Creation Care and the Poor


The World Evangelical Alliance participated in the Third Annual Day of Prayer for Creation Care and the Poor, a prayer breakfast that was held Thursday, April 26, in Washington D.C. The event featured a series of prayers led by different evangelical leaders, scripture readings, and video packages by various environmental organizations among which several are WEA's associate members.

Mitch Hescox, President of the Evangelical Environmental Network which sponsored the event, said: "Our morning together in Washington, DC was a time of prayer and worship. It was all about God. We praised the Creator who provides life's necessities through a garden, which He wonderfully made. Yet, we confessed our failure to care and tend His garden. Our poor stewardship is at the center of our world's great injustices, and if we are serious in our discipleship, we must recognize creation care's role in our responsibility for "the least of these."

"Christians care about God's creation. We pray for those who are hurt by current droughts, famines, pestilence and climate changes. And, we work to heal the creation and help those who are suffering." said Leith Anderson, President of the National Association of Evangelicals and co-sponsor of the event.

About 160 people attended the breakfast at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and traveled to the White House afterwards for a meeting with the Director of the Council on Environmental Quality where participants were briefed and could share their concerns.

"WEA is deeply committed to various cooperative efforts in this arena, not least through the Micah Challenge and our Creation Care Task Force, so the WEA is glad to have taken part in this event – to praise God for His creation, to pray together for those most affected by extreme weather conditions, and to challenge one another to reflect on our responsibilities to care for creation, and to serve the poor," WEA Associate Secretary General Gordon Showell-Rogers said, and concluded: "The event reminded many of us that the Bible’s message is a constant challenge to our lives and lifestyles."

The Evangelical Environmental Network is a member of the National Association of Evangelicals, WEA's national member in the USA.

Related Article:
> World Water Day 2012 – An Interview with Dr. Chris Elisara from the Creation Care Task Force

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