Integral Alliance Gains World Concern US as New Member


Integral is pleased to announce that World Concern US has joined the alliance, bringing the Integral membership total to 18 agencies with their headquarters in 13 countries.

Dave Eller, World Concern’s U.S. President says: “Integral’s effort to accomplish more for the Kingdom of God together than apart is a witness to the world that I believe in. Integral also offers the opportunity for iron sharpening iron. To work with others in the same field with accountability structures demands that each of us continually improve our practices in engaging the world.”

Laurie Cook, the Chair of the Integral Board, says: “The Integral Alliance has again been strengthened by the addition of an internationally recognized agency – World Concern. We welcome this prestigious organization that excels at providing relief in areas that are often not served by other agencies. Many of the Integral Members have been able to extend their reach by partnering with World Concern in the past. We now have the opportunity to work together strategically and with renewed purpose to bring relief and development, justice and compassion, hope and transformation to those in desperate circumstances around the globe.”

The Integral Board, made up of the CEO’s and Presidents of its Member organisations, voted unanimously in favour of World Concern joining Integral at its April 2012 Board meeting.

World Concern’s website:

Integral Alliance is a WEA affiliate and has served as a global partner to the WEA in the field of relief and development since 2006. Integral contributes to WEA’s goal of fostering Christian unity around the world through working with its members on a more integrated and collaborative strategy in disasters. For more information, go to

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