A Call to Fathers (Newsletter from the EA of the Carribean)


God has given His call to fathers. In Ephesians 6:4 we read: "Fathers do not exasperate your children, instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." It is clear from the text that God expects fathers not to arouse deep anger in the hearts of their children. Instead, He gives them a remedy so that it will not happen "…bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."

Training refers to spiritual exercise — the spiritual practices of the Christian faith. Fathers are to pray with; serve with; and worship with their children. Instruction refers to the words that fathers speak to their children. The words that husbands and fathers speak in the home about spiritual things have tremendous power!

Church Leaders: Are you eager to see men rise up to impact their community and nation for Christ? Are you eager to see men rise up to lead congregations with godliness, humility, and sound doctrine? Church leaders… here is your challenge: Call the men, train them, equip them, and hold them accountable to private prayer; Scripture study; and to leadership of family worship in their homes.

If Caribbean Church leaders want to maximize a man‘s impact in his community, nation and the region, we must first maximize his impact at home.

Emerson Boyce
Secretary General and CEO
Evangelical Association of the Caribbean

> Read the full Newsletter

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