News from the European EA


Dear brothers and sisters,

There is a lot going on in Europe. Every day we hear and read news about economic and social challenges. Behind all these pressures Europe's values like solidarity, freedom and integrity are challenged. But we have to say more. Behind that spiritual or rather Biblical values are challenged like: humility, love, justice and honouring the living God instead of today's idols of security, money or nationality.

Together we pray and we work for the transformation of Europe. Not something that we have in our hands, but we trust a great God, Who will not abandon the work of His hands. Together we cry to Him, we are so dependant on Him. Together we work for the glory of His name and the welfare of our continent. Let us do it with joy and with endurance.

Happy reading, sincere greetings in our Lord.

Niek Tramper
General Secretary
European Evangelical Alliance


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