‘Uniting to serve’
Looking at Europe, what do we expect?
A deeper economic and social crisis still? Is Europe like a cynic old lady that has turned her back to the living God and to His church. It will not be the first time that God uses a social and economic crisis to prepare the way for a spiritual renewal!
I recommend this News Letter as a prayer letter. Europe need your prayers and European EA need your prayers as well! May God bless you from day to day.
Niek Tramper
General Secretary
Prayer across Europe
The European Evangelical Alliance asked the French-speaking European Alliances to write the meditations for the week of prayer in 2012. Several evangelical Bible and Theological Colleges were asked to write them under the theme: ‘Transformed by the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (1 Cor. 15, 51-58). Because of ongoing IT problems the texts couldn’t be placed at our website. But every National Alliance has received the materials, translated and adapted it to the national and local circumstances. Preparations for the 2013 Week of prayer have been started already. Proposed theme is “What does God require of us?”, based on the scriptural text it of Micah 6:6-8, and concentrate on ‘walking with God and with people in the midst of the challenges around’.
Praise and Prayer
The first national congress of CNEF (the Conseil Nationale des Évangéliques de France, the French EEA member) in Paris on 26, 27 January on ‘Evangelicals and Evangelism’ with nearly 1000 participants.
EEA Executive Committee meeting 6-8 February, speaking about Strategic Plan, Budget, appointment of new ExCo members and much more.
Preparations for EEA’s General Assembly, 8 – 12 October ‘12 in Barcelona.
For more Praise and Prayer points see the attached EEA Newsletter.
EEA Muslim Ministries Associate Staff member
Dr. Bert de Ruiter is recently appointed as the EEA Muslims Ministries Associate. He helps members of the EEA to:
a) be aware of the Muslims in their midst and encourage them to befriend them and share their lives and the Gospel with them;
b) understand the developments that are taking place among Muslims in Europe;
c) search with Muslims for central values in society, like justice, freedom, respect, cooperation.
He is available as a consultant on matters relating to relationships with Muslims in Europe and as a trainer to conduct training seminars and workshops on Christian-Muslim relations. Bert got an MA in World Evangelization and a D. Min. in Muslim-Christian relations in Europe. For over 25 years Bert has been ministering in about 50 countries around the world to help Christians share their lives with Muslims. Bert and his wife Jenny live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and have two children and two grandchildren.
Plan healthy basis European EA
Prayer asked! And more!
In December 2011 EA published a strategic document for improve the resource (financial) basis of our work. This has been sent to al our members and affiliate members. EEA Executive Committee has to take robust measures, in order to make a balanced budget.
At GA in Bad Liebenzell members and affiliate members gave several pledges. The total amount of these pledges was Euro 18.000, effective in the first half of 2012. We are very thankful for that. However: nearly all of these pledges are one offs. Much more needs to be done. What?
Read more in attached EEA Newsletter.
Introducing Vision 2020
For a confident and free Christian witness
In recent years across Europe, religious freedom challenges have grown. Meanwhile, Christian confidence may have diminished. Vision 2020 is the product of much reflection on these trends, learning from our members and our political experiences. It has an ambitious goal – to pave the way for far greater Gospel impact in Europe by 2020 – because we have changed attitudes towards religious freedom, and because we have renewed our confidence in the Gospel and in our ability to share it, no matter what happens. Of course, this goal will only be achieved by the Lord working in, through and before all of us. But we are convinced that the goal and the strategy to reach it is the right one, so we hope that all our members will wish to participate and to take the lead in their nations.
Read more in attached EEA Newsletter.
Good News People!
EEA’s Christlike Approach to Socio-Political Engagement
We are delighted that the Code of Conduct &/or Approach are now translated into Spanish and German – thank you volunteers! The texts can be found at .
They will also shortly be at
We believe it is vital that all Christian socio-political activity has a strong biblical values foundation so please distribute and discuss these documents widely and adopt or adapt them for yourselves. We’d also love to have more respected Evangelical political endorsers. Do share how you are using and developing the documents with EEA staff &/or on the Facebook page.
Praying for the Workplace
We all know most Christians spend most of their time at work. The workplace has the potential for being their most significant place of ministry. The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, founded by John Stott, produces many resources to equip Christians at work. EEA believes that their new prayer initiative could be hugely significant in laying foundations for ministry impact. Go to
European Freedom Network
The problem of human trafficking and prostitution in Europe is huge, and none of us can solve it alone. This June, EFN is offering a strategic opportunity to work together with partners and Alliances from across Europe to:
– develop a deeper understanding of vulnerability, prostitution, and trafficking
– determine what needs and opportunities are most important, and work together on a response
– devote time to deepening our relationships with God, and with each other
Read more in attached EEA Newsletter.
Request for WEA Woman’s Commission
Jennifer Roemhildt-Tunehag has been the Europe- representative in the WEA Woman’s Commission till October last year. Now we search for a lady who can represent EEA at that commission. We should love to see somebody with a special interest for marriage and parents-children relationships. If you have names of persons, who might be interested, please let u know! You can inform us at the office (office(at) or send an email to the General Secretary (niek(at), or ask for a job description.
Speech former president of EP, Jerzy Buzek
The former president of the European Parliament gave a very interesting talk at the Prayer Breakfast on 1 Dec. ’11. If you are interested to receive the complete text, you can ask EEA office about it.
Read some sound bite in the attached EEA Newsletter
News from National EA’s:
Season greetings in the midst of the financial crisis
This season in the midst of the financial crisis with more people getting depressed and desperate the message and mandate of Christmas is more than welcome among the people who seek eagerly some hope and help.
We are so glad to express our thanksgiving for His working in and through our lives. It is not because of our efforts but because of His eternal faithfulness. This is why we are so full of thankfulness and gratitude for:
• His renewing mercies upon our lives and ministry.
• The thousands of people we were able to host at Cosmo Vision Center this year in a variety of evangelistic, educational, or other ecclesiastic programs.
The Kosova Protestant Evangelical Church has an international day of prayer, fasting and giving for Kosova on January 31. “Together we will turn our hearts God ward, much like Daniel did, in fasting, praying and giving.
Daniel 9:18-19
"We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name."
Read in the attached EEA Newsletter about their praying points for sprading the Good News and for the economical and policital situation.
Consultation on Christian Generosity and Giving in Europe
20 April 2012, Crown Europe, Leiden, the Netherlands
“Global economy in ‘danger zone’ over euro crisis”. This is one of the news headlines that Europeans have become used to. But what should the European Christian response be in this crisis? In a context of debt, austerity and economic inequality where many churches and ministries struggle to make ends meet, how should the Biblical message of generosity, giving and stewardship be understood and lived out? How could European Christians be encouraged to live more generously and give more to Christian causes to address spiritual, social and physical needs in Europe and beyond? Read more in the attached EEA Newsletter.
News from WEA
Marriage Week
Marriage Week celebrates the diversity and vibrancy of marriage as the basis for healthy family life. In June 2011, the World Evangelical Alliance ( and Marriage Week International ( have designated Sunday, February 12, 2012, as a day for the global church to come together in celebrating and encouraging marriage. We encourage our Evangelical Alliance members around the world to cast this vision of promoting and strengthening marriage to their local churches in their nations and regions. For ideas on how National Alliances can encourage local churches to celebrate Marriage Week, please read more in the attached EEA Newsletter.
Two Leadership Institute Courses for February 2012.
Please read more in the attached EEA Newsletter and WEA website.
Leadership Institute courses:
To put in your agenda
General Assembly EEA 2012: 8 – 12 October
European Evangelical Alliance
Hoofdstraat 51a
3971 KB
The Netherlands
Tel. 00 31 343 513693
Fax 00 31 343 531488
Skype: eea_office
Meet the European EA on Facebook
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“Friends of the European Evangelical Alliance”
(for more information contact the EEA Office)
Bank account information:
Rabobank Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Postbus 82, 3700 AB Zeist,
The Netherlands
Account no: 162198639
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