'How is AEA?' This has been the form of greetings I receive more often than not, very much like ‘how are you?' To the later we often instinctively go: ‘Am fine, thank you. Before you realize that you are actually on your way to see the Doctor for one ailment or the other. I tend to restrain an instinctive response to the ‘AEA greeting’ but rather a reflective musing- How can AEA be alright, when I think about the Church in Eritrea, Rwanda, Nigeria, Kenya, Madagascar, Guinea Bissau, DRC, Ghana, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zambia, etc. While those musings do not always exude a feeling of exuberance, at best mixed feelings, God has brought me to the point of realism summed in these trustworthy sayings:
God is faithful, steadfast and his love for his Church is everlasting.
He leads in building, preserving and sustaining his Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Unity of the Body is a given. We do not make unity as national associations (Eph.4: 5-6). Ours is to make every effort to keep this unity (Eph.4:3).
How is AEA? It is well especially as God keeps on working out his purposes. We count it a privilege to be part of what he is doing. Please share with us what God is doing in your part of his vineyard. We share what we have in this forum.
Welcome- Jim Olang joined Thomas Ha on the AEA IT Team in February. Thomas is a missionary seconded to AEA from the WEA IT Commission. The move to employ an assistant was to ensure Thomas transfers skills to a local personnel to ensure long term IT service provision for the AEA Secretariat and the NEFs. Jim first came to AEA as a volunteer with PACWA. He has a background in IT and will assist ensuring that the AEA newsletter is out regularly. This will now be every two months instead of quarterly. Jim is married to Rahab and they have a daughter named Kimberly.
Resignation-Dr. Emily Obwaka, the PACWA Coordinator has resigned from her position with effect from January 2013 after two years of service. We will miss her fellowship on the Secretariat team and a contribution to the work of AEA through the Women’s commission. We wish her well in her future endeavours.
By AEA General Secretary, Rev. Aiah Foday-Khabenje
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