VIVA Network: Standing Out Against Trafficking in Nepal

Viva - together for children | March 2013
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Shattering the silence
Shattering the silence
Our partner network in Nepal have been busy. Working together, a group of churches are using creative ideas to talk about the reality of trafficking and sexual exploitation of children for profit. Read more about what they’re doing to stand out against injustice and protect children…
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Children’s Easter sale for street kids
Children’s Easter sale for street kids
What happens when children have some time on their hands? Three sisters and their friends from an English village put their heads together and decided to use a few days off from school to organise an Easter sale to raise funds for Viva!
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No longer the shy one
No longer the shy one
Shafick, 17 was extremely shy, had no friends and found school work extremely difficult without assistance. Teased for his struggles, Shafick eventually dropped out of school. To fill his free time, he started hanging out in a Homework Club, run by our partner network in South Africa, and his life began to change…
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What to pray for this month

Viva staff member Justine Demmer recently returned from a trip to Cambodia where she was moved by children she met and their passionate prayers to put an end to trafficking. Read about her experience and keep these churches and families in your prayers as they continue to call on the Lord.

As the conflict in Syria enters its third year, more than 2 million children are in “immediate need of humanitarian assistance.” Please continue to pray for Syria and its children.


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