WEA Peace & Reconciliation Initiative Partner, the Duke Divinity School, to Hold Summer Institute for Reconciliation


The Duke Summer Institute, hosted by the Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation, will be held from May 27th to June 1st, 2013. This unique five-day intensive Institute, hosted by WEA Peace and Reconciliation Initiative partner the Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation, serves to nourish, renew, and deepen the capacities of Christian leaders in the ministry of reconciliation, justice, and peace-building through creating a diverse learning community that engages the best in theological scholarship and practical wisdom for ministry. This year’s faculty includes Andrew Marin, Ellen Davis, John Perkins, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Cheryl Sanders, Curtiss DeYoung, and Mary Nelson.

Past participants have included leaders of faith communities and faith-based organizations from more than 40 USA states, 25 countries, and 20 denominations. Participants bring their own rich and diverse experiences to the Institute and receive shared inspiration, transformative learning, and revitalization in their ministries of reconciliation through in-depth teaching, prayer and worship, shared meals, and opportunity to reflect on their own vocation and ministry context.

Applications will be accepted through April 30; scholarships are available.

For more information, visit http://divinity.duke.edu/initiatives-centers/summer-institute and http://divinity.duke.edu/news-media/news/20120607summerinstitute

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