EEA News April 2013 – The Power of Encouragement


Sometimes you wonder in secular Europe about being a Christian. It was once said that Christians were responsible for a lot of good things going on in society. These days it seems that Christian heritage is often put down and even made responsible for a lot of negative outcomes.

Andy Wenzel, an EEA Executive Committee member sent the following link to his colleagues. And I actually think it does not only apply to the Global South. There are many church based initiatives going on in Europe. In fact I would come to the same conclusion as John Longhurst in his article. Let us remind us of many good initiatives going on through Christians. Please let us know so we may let it be known.

By the way, the new EEA website will be going live soon. We are also working on a news platform which will make it easier to share your encouragements – and also your needs.

Caring for each other in hard times
As the economic crisis continues, we all watch the news and, beyond the hardship we see on our doorstep, we think of EEA friends in Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Greece and, most recently, in Cyprus. The politics and the possible economic solutions are beyond us but we remember that, behind the news headlines, people suffer and are anxious. So let’s continue to pray for one another and encourage one another……..

Thomas Bucher
Interim General Secretary
European Evangelical Alliance

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