Latin Evangelical Alliance Reps to Meet with the Organization of American States Leader Towards a Memorandum of Understanding


By the Latin Evangelical Alliance (AEL) 

This important, historical meeting between the Latin Evangelical Alliance (AEL) and the Organization of American States (OEA) will take place online on Thursday, January 28, at 11:00 am Washington time.

All 22 countries that form the AEL (the representative body for the Ibero-American Evangelical Church) will be present.

A first meeting with the Chief of Staff, Ambassador Gonzalo Koncke, fulfilled its purpose, that is, making the acquaintance of the AEL leaders and the Organization of American States, resulting on talks to formalize a future MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between AEL and OEA.

In this second meeting to be held on January 28, OEA’s chief leader, Dr. Luis Almagro, will be present to talk about the work done by OEA and building a relationship with AEL.

Luis Almagro – Uruguay

Lawyer, diplomat and politician. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay. Since May 26, 2015, serves as General Secretary of the Organization of American States.


Gonzalo Koncke – Uruguay

Career Diplomat. Master in International Relations – Master in International Business and Integration

General Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry and Director of Financial Affairs of the Ministry, Uruguay. Ambassador of Uruguay to the UN. Chief of Staff of the General Secretary of the Organization of American States (OEA).


Matters to be analyzed and discussed at the meeting:

Religious freedom

Humanitarian help

Life and family

Social assistance


Human rights


Once these subjects are discussed and the technical and formal aspects of the Memorandum of Understanding are approved (end of February/beginning of March), the signature of this historical document will take place in a special ceremony with the presence of the General Secretary of the OEA, Luis Almagro, and the President of AEL, Rubén Proietti, with other leaders of both organizations attending via online.


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