WEA Launches Global Evangelical Clean Energy Initiative with Project 20.’25 in the U.S.


The World Evangelical Alliance (“WEA”) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Smart Roofs Solar Inc. (“SRS”). The MOU joins together the WEA Creation Care Task Force, the WEA Business Coalition, and the WEA Sustainability Center to work with SRS to support WEA’s Project 20.’25 as part of the WEA’s Global Evangelical Clean Energy Initiative to assist 20% of its members – educational institutions, medical facilities, churches, other affiliated entities, and households – to be powered 100% by clean, renewable energy by 2025. SRS enables nonprofit and for profit clients to reduce operating costs while building a sustainable future.

“We are excited to promote creation care by partnering with Smart Roofs Solar to launch a local context-relevant, web-based platform to guide evangelical churches and institutions to adopt clean renewable energy,” says Dr. Chris Elisara, WEA Director, Creation Care Task Force. 

“We are honored to collaborate with the WEA to ensure evangelicals receive great guidance and state of the art renewable energy systems at the best possible value,” says SRS CEO, Joe Chenoweth.

The Project 20.’25 online platform helping guide evangelical churches and institutions to adopt clean renewable energy will go live on Oct. 30, 2019 in North America at https://www.weacleanenergyinitiative.org.  The platform will guide any church or institution with or without renewable energy expertise or experience to determine what kind of project is possible for the building(s) under consideration; identify credible, local companies that can perform the work; conduct a request for proposals and determine which proposal is best; determine the best financing options and government credits available; upon selection of a service provider execute appropriate work performance agreements, including work progress reporting consistent with best practices; report to WEA at the completion of the project the buyer’s satisfaction with the project experience, the amount of financial savings from the project, and the amount of reduced carbon emissions that will result from the project.

About World Evangelical Alliance:

Established in 1846, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is a network of national evangelical church alliances in 129 countries and over a 100 international evangelical organizations. The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) provides a worldwide identity, voice, and platform to more than 600 million evangelical Christians.

With a global backdrop of serious ecological challenges, growing awareness of the biblical mandate to care for creation, and an increasing need to provide leadership in this arena at a global level, in 2012 the WEA created the WEA Creation Care Task Force (CCTF) led by Dr. Chris Elisara. After several years of fruitful collaboration the WEA Creation Care Task Force and Lausanne Creation Care joined together to co-lead one unified global creation care network entitled the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network (LWCCN). In 2019 the WEA launched the WEA Sustainability Center (WEASC) in the strategic “UN City” of Bonn, Germany.  

About Smart Roofs Solar Inc:

Smart Roofs Solar Inc was founded in 2013 as a Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Solar Developer offering turn key solutions to its clients. Since its inception, SRS has helped its clients generate over 30 million kilowatt hours of clean electricity, and was named Connecticut’s highest rated and top performing C&I Solar Developer for 2018. Smart Roofs is excited to bring new offerings to its clients including the ability to monetize the carbon credits that their clean energy systems generate.

For more information, go to weacreationcare.org.


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