WEA in Search of Director of Global Development – An Open Letter


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An open letter: concerning a remarkable and challenging global assignment.

Dear colleague

This message may land in your mailbox at the very time your heart is asking, “Lord, is there a significant opportunity for one with my gifts and passions?”

And who are you?

You are the kind of person who finds particular joy in seeing ministry blossom when properly funded. Your day is filled with moments of making personal connections, genuinely desirous in helping people find ways and means to be generous. You look on the world scene and hunger for relevance and impact. You have developed skills in the raising of money for ministry. You understand what it takes, but more than that, you have developed a vision for the grand and biblical narrative of generosity, and how transforming that can be for the giver. You actually love engaging people with a challenge to invest. And while you thrill to the challenge of building support, you love to work with people you trust, you like and with whom you can work as a team in shaping and crafting a vision for kingdom life.

If this comes close to describing you, take a moment to give this a read.

What is it about?

It is about a worldwide network, which in its almost 175 years, has been a global center of people, ideas, spiritual movements and missionary vision. Today it is located by its National and Regional Alliances in 135 countries; its mandate is to be a voice; its special consultative status at the United Nations gives it influence to be a voice for those in need of an advocate; in crisis it is common ground for cooperative action. This global network has and continues to be a gravitational center for unity, mission and social justice. It is called the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA).

Today we are seeking that specially gifted and passionate person who will serve as Director of Global Development.

Without overstating the case, this person will be a game-changer as WEA in its refreshing mode, has the tools needed to empower and lift Evangelical communities and ministry worldwide.

And why does that matter? Well, think about this for a minute: in 1960 there were 90 million Evangelicals. Today there are over 600 million. Imagine the opportunity there is to help lead and speak for this community, now one quarter of the world’s Christians?

Add to that, its global network consists of 135 countries in which there are national Evangelical Alliances. These national groups are run by indigenous leaders. This affords a marvelous means of generating vison, spiritual unity and advocacy for the marginalized and persecuted.

If you feel a nudge of the Spirit on this, I have two suggestions. First take a read of this assignment.

Second, if you feel you want to check this out further, see the Job Description and if you have further questions or want to apply connect with us at [email protected]. My commitment is to help the new Director develop this great and challenging project into success and effective ministry. Also, given the Office of Development is recent, our initial focus is in North America, thus it would be important for the person to be living in that area. (FYI, I serve as global ambassador for the WEA. For two years I’ve been developing the office of Global Development and now it is time to find that person gifted and called to take this to an entirely new level, indeed, a person that God has in mind.)

We are all on a journey. There are times it matters that we reflect on where we are, and where we hope before God we might go.

Blessings, as you continue your journey…

Brian Stiller
Director of Global Development
Global Ambassador
July 1, 2020

[email protected]


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