Recent Converge Developments: Expanding a Global Network to Reach Youth


Colin & Melissa Piper who together head up WEA's Youth Commission better known as Converge share some recent developments in their network:

It was such a privilege last week to meet up with a number of passionate disciple-makers from across the globe. Rich Robinson of 3DM drew them together and some of us involved in Converge took the opportunity to think through how to develop a disciple-makers movement within Converge. We’re keen to explore using any Converge regional gathering in 2019 as a context to connect and empower regional disciple-makers.

It is thrilling to see how Converge is shaping up differently across the globe. In Africa it seems God is using Nairobi as a nurturing ground for innovative collaboration and then rolling out the ideas across the continent.

In Latin America, the team have identified a need for a resource on social justice as part of holistic youth evangelism and collaborated to create material to fill this gap.

In Australia Converge is focused on developing collaborative research into youth beliefs and attitudes.

In South Asia, the team continue to plan strategic leaders’ consultations from state to sub-continental level: Peter Shinde, Sarosh Philip and Jomesh Tamang connect in Kathmandu next week to plan the South Asian Converge event.

Meanwhile in the Philippines they continue with their planning meetings next week in Cebu to connect, as Converge nationally, mini converge regionally and micro Converge locally.

We’re a heart movement bound together by a love for Christ and a simple desire to collaborate to reach and disciple as many young people as possible for Christ, and to that end, anything is possible!

About Converge:

Converge is a relational global movement of strategically minded, Kingdom hearted, influential youth ministry leaders and practitioners, which is part of the World Evangelical Alliance family.

Our shared vision is to reach and disciple as many global youths as possible by focusing our combined resources, vision, calling and skill sets in the most fruitful way possible.

We seek to encourage leaders at all levels to build trust relationships which provide the context for united strategic thinking, praying and planning leading to innovative and reproducible models of practical collaboration.

The goal is to see key leaders in every nation relating together so they can track the state of their nation’s youth ministry, its scope, needs, opportunities and examples of good practice. They can then respond by applying their individual and combined resources, gifting and vision in as informed and strategic way possible. Leaders of these nations come together in their regions to compare notes and repeat the exercise on a regional level, and regional leaders do so as a global team.

We hope to pool our knowledge, sharpen and inspire our thinking and innovation, and identify, track and reproduce examples of good practice, so that together we achieve what would be impossible even for the largest and most cutting-edge movement or denomination. Ultimately, we hope to see the Spirit of God move as we stand together in prayer and ministry, in response to Jesus’ prayer in John 17.

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