Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher Catch Up on Human Rights in Ecuador and Peru


Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher of the World Evangelical Alliance have visited Ecuador to learn about the human rights situation, including freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the situation of indigenous peoples.

Photo: Thomas and Christine Schirrmacher with the Board of the Evangelical Alliance of Ecuador in Quito, Ecudor © Thomas SchirrmacherChristine and Thomas Schirrmacher met with the President, the General Secretary, and the Board of the Evangelical Alliance of Ecuador, Confraternidad Evangélica Ecuatoriana (CEE), and were informed about the situation of religious freedom and human rights in the country. Founded in 1964, this Evangelical Alliance is recognized by the Ecuadorian government as the professional association representing the Evangelicals in the country. Its president is Pastor Estuardo López.

The CEE reported that the improved relationship of the WEA to the Pope and to the Vatican had also had a positive impact in their country and that the churches were now jointly addressing human rights issues.

For more about the Schirrmacher's travel to Latin America, read the related Bonn Profiles.

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