WEA Joins Spanish Evangelical Alliance in Call to Prayer for Barcelona


The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins the Spanish Evangelical Alliance (SEA) in their call for prayer after the terrorist attack in Barcelona. Below is the English translation of the SEA's statement. The original version in Spanish and Catalan can be viewed on their website.

As Spanish Evangelical Alliance we want to express the pain we feel after the loss of human lives that have eternal value. We identify with the dismay of those who have lost loved ones. We are part of this city, Barcelona, which is trying to come to terms with this setback.

We also ask ourselves, ‘what is the best answer after such a manifestation of evil?’ We believe in the need to respond with values that were clearly seen in Jesus’ life. The risk is that the pain and hopelessness draw us to the same values that as the ones that inspired this brutality. But we believe that it is a time to stand for the values of the gospel, the only source of profound transformation in society: the hope of a new life that is in Christ, the love He showed in the death on the cross for His enemies, and the faith in the justice that He will bring when He returns.`

Therefore, we call everyone to unity in prayer for Catalonia’s society. Let’s pray for the Catalan church, specially that Christians there can be a clear model of faith, hope and love that serves as an antidote against hate – both the hate of those who killed as well as the hate of those who are tempted to blame some collectives and prompt a spiral of vengeance. The gospel shows us that evil is not overcome with more evil, but with good.

– Alianza Evangélica Española

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