Brief Response to the Open Letter from the Evangelical Alliances of Italy, Spain and Malta


In response to the “open letter” released on December 1 by the Evangelical Alliances of Italy, Spain, and Malta, the WEA offers assurance that the concerns they raised in their letter are being taken very seriously. I can confirm without a doubt that there are no plans to sign such a statement as described on page 7 of their open letter or anything that would resemble it.

We appreciate the zeal for theological integrity of these evangelical alliances and hope that they will contact us directly to learn more about our plans and activities. In the spirit of Matthew 18, it is the WEA's hope that we will soon be able to meet with those involved in the Alliances of Italy, Spain and Malta and to speak directly with them about these matters with the aim of Christian reconciliation and for the good of God's kingdom.

Sincerely in Christ,

Bp Efraim Tendero
Secretary General / CEO
World Evangelical Alliance

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