Integral Alliance Announces a New Board Chair


Integral is pleased to announce that Jacinta Tegman has been unanimously appointed by the Integral Board to be their new Chairperson, with immediate effect.

Jacinta Tegman is the President of World Concern, an Integral Member since 2012. World Concern’s headquarters are in Seattle, USA.

Jacinta says, “It is a great honour to be elected to serve as the Integral Alliance Board Chair. I so value the contributions of our former chair, Allan Bussard, as I strive to emulate his heart of service to the Alliance.

She continues, “As the President of World Concern, I have found Integral to be a tremendous blessing to our organisation, as well as to me personally. The partnership that Integral’s 23 Member Agencies have developed over the years is truly remarkable. Our shared mission allows each of us to do so much more together than we could ever do on our own. In my new position as Board Chair, my prayer is that the Alliance will continue to grow in depth of relationship and impact, serving those in greatest need around the world.”

Integral exists to promote collaborative working across its Membership, with a particular focus on working together in disasters. Integral Disaster Responses launched in 2017 are for the the East Africa Food Crisis, the North Uganda Refugee Crisis, the South Asia Flood and the Rakhine (Rohingya) Refugee Crisis.

All Integral Members sign up to the Red Cross Code of Conduct and Sphere Standards, and Integral has developed an agreed Quality Standards Statement amongst its 23 Members.


Integral’s website:




Integral Alliance is a WEA affiliate and has served as a global partner to the WEA in the field of relief and development since 2006. Integral contributes to the WEA’s goal of fostering Christian unity around the world through working with its Members on a more integrated and collaborative strategy in disasters.


Contact: Sarah Larkin, Head of Communication and Marketing:
[email protected]

Extra information:

Integral has 23 Members with headquarters in 14 countries.

Integral Members work in over 100 countries, with more than 650 local partners, in over 40 sectors and have a combined income of over $1.3m USDs.


On Integral Collaboration:

Integral’s goal is for all its Members to become more effective and efficient in their work and to see greater impact and reach as a result of working collaboratively.

Integral Members have a collaborative strategy for responding to disasters, with the Integral Disaster Response Process coordinating the emergency activities of its Members. The aim of the Integral DR process is to combine resources to ensure that as many people as possible are reached with the assistance they need. The Integral Secretariat plays a co-ordinating role to facilitate better communication between all Members in disaster situations with the aim of increasing support and avoiding duplication.

To watch a short film about the Integral Disaster Relief Process click here.


Integral Members are:

CEDAR Fund – Hong Kong
Food for the Hungry – USA
Integra – Slovakia
International Health PartnersUK
MAP International USA
Medical Teams InternationalUSA
Missions Alliance
– Norway
Mission East – Denmark
SEL France – France
TEAR Australia – Australia
Tear– Netherlands
Tearfund – Belgium
– New Zealand
Tear Fund – Switzerland
Tearfund – UK
Transform Aid InternationalAustralia
World Concern – USA
World Relief Canada – Canada
World Relief – USA
World Renew – Canada & USA
ZOA The Netherlands



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