EEA Newsletter September 2016

The EEA Newsletter brings news from Europe, provided by staff, members and partners

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Here to stay? Here to stay!

Have you ever had the experience that you were much relieved when a visitor finally left? Nothing was wrong but you just had had enough. You felt that you would have to deal on a much deeper level with issues than you were emotionally prepared for. And therefore you gladly said, "Goodbye".
Have you ever seriously given thought to the question if the refugee migrants are going to stay in Europe… Continue


Get ready for Freedom Sunday (16 October) and EU Anti-Trafficking Day (18th October)

Don't shut your eyes is a new campaign from the European Freedom Network, EEA’s growing network of 100s of Christian projects engaged in combatting human trafficking and sexual exploitation. …Continue

Pray with us:

1. Join us in prayer on Freedom Suday, October 16th. May our voice be heard.
2. Pray for the General Assembly and all the country representatives; for unity, wisdom, and courage to be Good News people in time of change 

One month until the

General Assembly
10-13 October 2016 in Colares, Portugal 

Register now and join the fellowship!
This year the theme is:
Being Good News People in a time of change, shaping identity of our nations and continent.

Creation Care Conference postponed

The European Regional Creation Care Conference has been postponed until further notice. 
Creation Care Conference aims to encourage, strengthen and start creation care movements around the world… Continue

We are happy to announce the dates for the 5th Mission-Net Congress:

December 28th, 2017 to January 2nd, 2018

Mission-Net is seeking to work together with many European organisations, networks and volunteers. A congress at year-end will enable working together with many, as people will be available to join.” says CEO of Congress Hester Zoutman… Continue

 “Let’s Talk Family”guidelines: New translations

The guideline document for national “Let’s Talk Family” (LTF) conversations is now available in the followinglanguages: Armenian, Bulgarian, English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Ukrainian and soon to be available in German… Continue


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