Godfrey Yogarajah Appointed as Deputy Secretary General


Upon recommendation by the International Council (IC) of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Mr Godfrey Yogarajah was appointed to serve as Deputy Secretary General of the WEA effective immediately. He has already served as Associate Secretary General for Alliance Development since last year and will now assume additional responsibilities, assisting the Secretary General by coordinating departmental activities and act on his behalf where needed.

Mr. Yogarajah brings many years of experience in various roles within the WEA, including General Secretary of the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, former General Secretary of the Asian Evangelical Alliances and Executive Director of WEA’s Religious Liberty Commission.

Bp Efraim Tendero, Secretary General of the WEA, said: “I’m very pleased with this appointment, as it recognizes the vast areas of responsibility that come with heading up this movement of evangelicals and will enable us to serve the WEA even more effectively. With his experience, insight and competence, Godfrey is the right person to fill this role and I have full trust in him. Please pray for him as he assumes the new responsibilities, for God’s strength, guidance and blessing to be on him.”

Furthermore, recognizing the global scope of WEA's network, it was recommended to the Associate Secretary Generals to establish offices in the domains of their respective place in the world.

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