Luther’s Reformation Principles Live On


As leaders of the World Evangelical Alliance, we feel privileged to have gathered in Bad Blankenburg, Germany, which is geographically close to the birth place of the Reformation. It is a historic moment to be here in the year of the 500th anniversary.

Coming from many nations and walking in the footsteps of Martin Luther, we reflected on the meaning of the Reformation for the Church today and what inspirations we can take back to our respective countries and contexts.

While only some of our churches trace their heritage back to Luther, we are all bound together by the spirit of Reformation that desired to bring the Church back to the essence of its faith: Solus Christus, Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia & Sola Fide – Christ alone, Scripture alone, by grace alone & by faith alone.

The message of the reformers is as relevant today as it was five hundred years ago. Therefore, we commit ourselves to prayer, asking God to continue to guide us by His Holy Spirit that through the study of Scripture, we may all be brought together in finding common faith in Jesus Christ, our God and Savior.

Bad Blankenburg, March 3, 2017

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