New Issue of Evangelical Review of Theology Focuses on Business


In his commentary on Ephesians, Tom Wright says that “we are co-creators when we are artists, writers, and musicians.” As part of proclaiming the good news of Jesus, we want to show people how God values and empowers our daily work.

The last year has been spent working on a special 'Business Edition' of the ERT which was launched in February 2017. This edition marks one of the first efforts of the WEA Council for Business & Theology. This council exists to provide a platform for the best global theological voices on business, economics and finance with the aim of equipping the worldwide evangelical church to apply Christian theology to these areas in its life and public voice.

The new Business Edition of the Evangelical Review of Theology gives an overview of key theological ideas about work. It highlights the common ground and the areas where we still need to find consensus around an evangelical theology of work. The journal includes articles from theologians around the world including:
Christopher J. H. Wright (UK): "Theology of Jubilee: Biblical, Social and Ethical Perspectives"

Chris Wright (MA, PhD, Cantab) is an ordained Anglican minister, who taught at Union Biblical Seminary (UBS) in India and later became Principal of All Nations Christian College, UK. He has been International Director of the Langham Partnership International from 2001.

Kar Yong Lim (Malaysia): "Paul the Economist? Economic Principles in Pauline Literature with the Jerusalem Collection as a Test Case" 

Kar Yong Lim (PhD, Wales) is Lecturer in New Testament Studies and Director of Postgraduate Studies at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (Malaysia Theological Seminary), Seremban, Malaysia.

Myk Habets and Peter K. McGhee (New Zealand): "TGIF! A Theology of Workers and their Work"

Myk Habets, PhD, is Dean of Faculty and Professor of Theology, Carey Baptist College and Graduate School, (NZ). His main disciplinary research interests include: Spirit Christology, Theosis, the theology of Thomas F. Torrance, etc.

Peter K. McGhee (PhD, Auckland), is Senior Lecturer in Management at AUT University, (NZ). His main disciplinary and research interests are in the areas of philosophy and business (specifically ethics) and organizational behaviour.

Emiola Nihinlola (Nigeria): "The Church as a Civil Society: An African Ecclesiology"

Rev Dr Emiola Nihinlola is the President of Nigerian Baptist Seminary. Dr Nihinlola was previously the Rector of the Baptist College of Theology. He is also the Director of the International Council for Higher Education, West Africa Network.
John Jefferson Davis (USA): "Economic Growth Vs. The Environment? The Need for New Paradigms in Economics, Business Ethics, and Evangelical Theology"

Dr. John Jefferson Davis, (PhD, Duke) is an ordained Presbyterian minister, Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological, USA and former president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society.

Miroslav Volf (USA): "Work, Spirit, and New Creation"

Miroslav Volf is the founding Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture. His books include "Allah: A Christian Response", and "Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace". He has been involved in international ecumenical and interfaith dialogues and he regularly lectures in Central and Eastern Europe.

Lyndon Drake (UK): Special Edition Editor

Dr. Lyndon Drake chairs the Council for Business & Theology (Business Coalition of the World Evangelical Alliance), and is a consultant for Christian Savings, a finance company in New Zealand. Previously, Lyndon worked at Barclays Capital and served as pastor in New Zealand.

The journal also includes reviews of a number of key books. This special edition is aimed at a wide audience of informed laypeople as well as theologians.
As a taster, here is an extract from "Work, Spirit, and New Creation" by Miroslav Volf.

"But what does the Spirit of God have to do with the mundane work of human beings? According to most of Protestant theology, very little. It has been ‘inclined to restrict the activity of the Spirit to the spiritual, psychological, moral or religious life of the individual.’ One can account for this restriction by two consequential theological decisions. To use traditional formulations: first, the activity of the Spirit was limited to the sphere of salvation, and second, the locus of the present realization of salvation was limited to the human spirit…"

A printed version of the Evangelical Review of Theology: Business Edition can be ordered at [email protected] and costs 10 euros (excluding VAT & shipping costs).


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