EEA Newsletter September

The EEA Newsletter brings news from Europe, provided by staff, members and partners

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Disrupted Lives

The other day I listened to a report from the Greek island Kos. More than 7000 refugees got stranded on this holiday destination island with a population of 30,000 people. Every day several hundred arrive. More


Pray with us

1. Refugees
2. General Assembly
3. Yearplans 2016


5-8 October – EEA General Assembly

13-15 October –European Youth Ministry Summit

18 October – FreedomSunday

Offering to God our everyday, ordinary life.
When society around us increasingly thinks religion is irrelevant or even dangerous, our challenge is to redouble our efforts visibly to be and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. And where are Christians generally most visible to non-Christians and for the most amount of time?
At work. More
Europäische Behindertentagung 9 bis 12 Oktober 2015 im Jugendgästehaus Brigittenau in Wien
Was können Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung europaweit voneinander lernen und einander geben? Wie wirkt sich das auf das Miteinander im Gemeindeleben und in der Gesellschaft aus?More

Empowering Families through Scripture 

D6 is a movement intentional about empowering parents, homes, marriages, leaders, and churches to live out the story of Deuteronomy 6. This Scripture paints a beautiful picture for the family and of God’s heart for discipleship at home. More

From Exclusion to Inclusion

Migration, Immigration, Asylum seekers, Minorities, Refugees – topics which are high on the agenda of today’s Europe. At the EEA General Assembly lectures and bible studies will be focused these critical issues.More


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