Faced with the Attacks: Let Us Pray for Our Country and Its Authorities


Read the original statement in French.

Facing the bloody Paris attacks that have mourned France on the night of 13 to 14 November 2015, the National Council of Evangelicals of France (Conseil National des Evangéliques de France, CNEF) wishes to express its compassion and solidarity with the wounded and the families of the victims.

It invites all its members to support them and to pray for them as well as for our entire country and its authorities.

The despicable jihadist violence that just hit our country must not prevail. Let us refuse to allow panic and hatred. Let us tightened the links of national solidarity in these times of adversity.

France is not alone!

At this time, millions of Christians around the world are praying for our country.

Because of the Gospel, CNEF will stand alongside all those who want to defend life and liberty, the precious assets of humanity scorned today.

The National Council of Evangelical Churches of France (CNEF) was established on June 15, 2010. As a representative body, it brings together more than 70% of the evangelicals and more than one hundred para-church organizations. CNEF is a member of the European Evangelical Alliance and the World Evangelical Alliance.


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