Integral Alliance Announces Andy Ryskamp, Director of World Renew, as New Chair Person


Integral is pleased to announce that Andy Ryskamp has been unanimously appointed by the Board to be their new Chair person, with immediate effect. Andy Ryskamp is the Director of World Renew, Members of Integral since April 2010.

Andy says, “Being a Member of Integral has been a tremendous blessing for me personally, as well as for World Renew as an organisation. Now being asked to fill the role vacated by Michael Nyenhuis from MAP International as chair is both a great honour and very humbling. My desire is to see Integral Alliance continue to flourish as it builds on the excellent ministry of its Members and leverages it for the glory of God.” 

Integral exists to promote collaborative working across its membership, with a particular focus on working together in disasters. Current Integral Disaster Responses are in The Philippines (Typhoon Haiyan) and the Central African Republic. The situation in South Sudan is being closely monitored.

All Integral Members sign up to the Red Cross Code of Conduct and Sphere Standards, and Integral has developed an agreed Quality Standards Statement amongst its 19 Members.

Integral’s website:


Integral Alliance is a WEA affiliate and has served as a global partner to the WEA in the field of relief and development since 2006. Integral contributes to the WEA’s goal of fostering Christian unity around the world through working with its Members on a more integrated and collaborative strategy in disasters.


Integral has 19 Members who work in over 85 countries and currently fund over 1100 projects in more than 30 sectors. Our Members have a combined income of over $675m USDs and are:

Baptist World Aid Australia – Australia
CEDAR Fund – Hong Kong
Food for the Hungry – USA
Integra – Slovakia
MAP International USA
Medair – Switzerland
Missions Alliance – Norway
Mission East – Denmark
SEL France – France 
TEAR Australia – Australia
Tear– Netherlands
Tearfund – Belgium
TEAR Fund – New Zealand
Tear Fund – Switzerland
Tearfund – UK
World Concern – USA
World Relief Canada – Canada
World Relief – USA
World Renew – Canada & USA

The Integral Disaster Relief Process:
Integral Members have developed a collaborative strategy for responding to disasters as Integral, with the Disaster Response Process co-ordinating the emergency activities of its Members. The aim of the Integral DR process is to combine resources to ensure that as many people as possible are reached with the assistance they need.

In disaster situations Integral Members have previously collaborated in:

2014: South Sudan, CAR
2013:  Cyclone Mahasen (Bangladesh), North India Flooding (Utterakhand), Syrian Crisis, and Tropical Cyclone Phailin (East India), Typhoon Haiyan (The Philippines)
2012: South Sudan (displacement), Philippines Flooding, Democratic Republic of Congo (displacement)
2011: Cote d’Ivoire, Libya, North Korea, South Sudan, Japan earthquake, Middle East, East Africa food crisis
2010: Haiti earthquake, Sahel food crisis, Indonesia earthquake, Guatemala Hurricane, Pakistan floods
2009: Sri Lanka (internally displaced people), Pakistan floods, Asian disasters
2008:  Kenya Unrest, China Earthquake, Myanmar Cyclone, Democratic Republic of Congo, East Africa Food Crisis, India floods
2007: Bangladesh Floods, Zimbabwe Humanitarian Crisis
2006: Indonesia Earthquake
2004: Indonesia Tsunami, Sri Lanka Tsunami

Integral Vision:

  • Integral’s vision is a world without poverty.
  • Our mission is to work in collaboration as national relief and development agencies committed to maximising the holistic impact of our Christian response to the poor worldwide. Integral’s main focus is on working together when disasters happen, and to find opportunities for our Members to collaborate and so maximise our resources and impact following a disaster.

On Integral Collaboration:

  • Integral’s goal is for all its Members to become more effective and efficient in their work and to see greater impact and reach as a result of working collaboratively. This means making sure that Integral Members share information and play complementary roles with the resources they have available when an emergency happens. The Integral Secretariat plays a co-ordinating role to facilitate better communication between all Members in disaster situations with the aim of increasing support and avoiding duplication.
  • Integral is committed to working with the Micah Network and the World Evangelical Alliance to ensure that excellence is championed and collaboration encouraged within our wider constituencies.

Integral Contacts:

Fiona Boshoff, Director of Integral – [email protected]

Jan Eyre, Programme and Disaster Management Coordinator – [email protected]

Sarah Larkin, Communication and Marketing Coordinator – [email protected]

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