An Urgent Appeal to Support the Ebola Response in Liberia and the Mano-River Union Sub-region


An Urgent Appeal to Support the Ebola Response in Liberia and the Mano-River Union Sub-region

Nairobi- August 21, 2014

The Association of Evangelicals in Liberia (AEL), through its General Secretary, Rev. Isaac S. Wheigar, has made an urgent appeal to the global Christian community to support their initiatives in effectively combating Ebola Outbreak in the country.

Despite AEL’s unwavering response to the crisis; through Ebola public education campaigns and sanitation projects in various places of worship, help is still needed to support front line health workers with protective gear and basic sanitation materials while also providing food for patients at Ebola treatment centres.

In a letter sent to AEA Headquarters, Rev. Wheigar said “a number of critical needs stand out nationwide that clearly overwhelm our collective local capacity to meet.”

To read full appeal letter with details of how you can help click here

While we put in place contingency plans for self-preservation, let us continue to keep the affected people and nations in our prayers and demonstrate empathy in our care and support. We can demonstrate our care and support through donating in kind or cash, directly to the Evangelical Alliance in Liberia- by contacting the General Secretary Rev. Isaac S. Wheigar through  [email protected] – or send your contributions to the Association of Evangelicals in Africa Account below and the donations will be transferred to AEL or any of the affected nations, all of which have active national fellowships/alliances.

Bank Name:          CFC STANBIC BANK LTD
Bank Address:      P.O. BOX 30550-00100
                               NAIROBI, KENYA
Account No.          0100000199308
Swift Code:           SBICKENX

We will continue to update you of any development from the region, as we maintain direct contact with leaders of the national evangelical alliances, in the affected nations in their efforts as caregivers to their compatriots.

It is our hope and trust that just as we have been faithful in prayer we will also be found faithful in our giving.


About AEA:

The Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) was formed on 26th February 1966 at Limuru, Kenya, during a meeting of 102 evangelical Christian leaders from 23 African nations and missionaries from other countries. The meeting had been convened as a result of the felt need by the evangelicals for a permanent association which would help build a united movement of the Body of Christ that would promote evangelical unity, fellowship and Christian witness in Africa.

In its 48 years of existence, AEA has grown into a continental family of over 100 million evangelicals comprising 36 National Evangelical Fellowships that are made up of numerous local churches. There are 34 Associate Members who consist of Para-Church organizations, and 11 Special Members representing local Churches in countries where there are no National Evangelical Alliances.

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