Stop Patronizing the Poor: EXPOSED Issues Open Letter to World Government, Business and Church Leaders


Organisations and partners representing millions of people across the global have issued an Open Letter challenging the world’s government, financial institutions and church leaders to act decisively and quickly on corruption, one of the main causes of global poverty today, and to include the ‘poor’ in the creation of a fairer system for all.

EXPOSED, the global call to action against corruption in all its forms, has issued the letter in the run up to its Week of Action (October 14th-20th) when across the world people will be gathering to ‘Shine a Light’ on corruption and to sign a Global Call to End Corruption, a petition which will be handed to the G20 next year.

The Open Letter, signed by the EXPOSED Steering Group on behalf of 25 global partners, represents the views of millions of people across the world in 150 countries.

“As Christian people determined to see an end to the scourge that is corruption, EXPOSED and its partners believe that in 2013 the world should be ashamed that so many people are blighted by dire poverty, and action is required now,” says Joel Edwards, International Co-ordinator of EXPOSED.

While recognising some of the good work recently undertaken on the international stage to recognise the detrimental effects which corruption has on the world, the Open Letter maintains that the discussion has to go beyond financial and government transparency to ‘ensure multi-national corporations pay their fair dues in tax in the countries where they earn their profits.’

‘We understand that rich nations want to collect missing tax because times are hard. But poor nations have an even bigger stake in making systems fairer and they need to be part of the discussions to ensure equity,’ the Open Letter states.

The EXPOSED partners challenge government, financial and business institutions and church leaders across the globe to step up their efforts to make the world a fairer place but  reminds them not to forget ‘those who are most affected by greed and abuse of public influence – the poorest people of our world.’ They call on global leaders to include the poorer nations in decision making which is so crucial to their futures.

‘Consensus on financial transparency is vital, as is international collaboration to ensure that corruption in all its forms is exposed and dealt with. But the poor can’t wait for years of deliberation and diplomacy … This is not just about ‘rich countries’ making changes to improve their tax income or making improvements which may, eventually, benefit ‘poor countries’. It is about justice. The time has come to stop patronising the poor,’ the Open Letter states.

During its Global Week of Action from October 14th  – 20th, EXPOSED will be ‘shining a light on corruption’ with up to 2000 vigils across the world. These events provide an opportunity for the world to consider how corruption affects the poorest of the poor and become committed to start making changes. In London the Week of Action will be marked with a Vigil on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral in London at 6pm on Monday October 14th. Other vigils are planned at the White House in Washington DC, on every continent and will involve many thousands of people. To see where some of the Vigils are happening go to

During this week EXPOSED will be calling the world to sign The Global Call to End Corruption, a petition pressing for more open tax regimes and greater transparency in payments to combat bribery and tax avoidance. EXPOSED is aiming for one million signatures on the Global Call which will be presented to world leaders before the G20 Summit to be held in Brisbane in November 2014. The Global Call can be signed online at

To read the full text of the EXPOSED Open Letter to Government, Business and Church leaders please go to


EXPOSED is a coalition of Christian organisations that aims to challenge the global Church, business and governments to highlight the impact of corruption on the poorest of the poor. The coalition includes:

Steering Group – American Bible Society, USA; Association for a more Just Society (AJS), Honduras; British and Foreign Bible Society, UK; Evangelical Association of the Caribbean; Heads of Denominations, Zimbabwe; Micah Challenge International; The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission; Unashamedly Ethical; World Evangelical Alliance; 24-7 Prayer, South Africa

Other partners include –  Advocates International; ALARM; ANAJURE, Brazil; CANOPI, Malaysia; Digni, Norway; Europartners; Evangelical Alliance UK; Intercessory Prayer Ministry Intl; Micah Network; Paz y Esperanza, Peru; Tearfund, The Leprosy Mission

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