WEA Religious Liberty Prayer News – 26 June

WEA Religious Liberty Prayer News

26th June2013

RLPN: 2013/11
"Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish."


Psalms 25:16-17


Dear Friends in Christ,

The World Evangelical Alliance is a global ministry working with local churches around the world to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their communities. God is glorified and the nations of the earth are forever transformed.


The purpose of the WEA Religious Liberty Prayer Release is to keep you informed and mobilized in prayer and intercession for the needs of justice and religious liberty in the Church around the globe, so that we can stand together for the work of the Kingdom and the healing of the Nations. The Prayer Release is comprised on the basis of different credible resources. 

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Pastor killed, 4 churches torched by Boko Haram militants in NIGERIA
19 June, According to reports, militants of the Islamist group, Boko Haram, have attacked 4 Christian settlements in Borno state, Nigeria, killing a pastor and torching 4 churches.

In the attack, the retired Reverend Jacob Kwiza of the Church of Christ in Nigeria was killed after he refused to renounce his Christian faith.


An area resident, commenting on the incident said, "The gunmen threw some explosives at our church, they forced the Reverend to renounce Christianity and to convert to Islam, but Reverend Jacob defied the gunmen's threat of being killed." "After he refused to renounce his faith, they slit his throat with sharp objects; and we started to flee for safety, as we did not know the next targets of these gunmen", he added. 


Prayer points:

  • Pray for the family of Reverend Jacob Kwiza, that they would experience the comforting presence of Jesus during this time of great sorrow;
  • Pray that God would provide the resources needed to rebuild the churches that have been burnt down;
  • Pray for God's protection over all Christians in Nigeria.

Christian man beaten and arrested in AZERBAIJAN


19 JuneIt is reported that a member of a church in the Azerbaijan capital city of Baku, was assaulted and arrested by the police. 


The reason for the arrest, however, remains a mystery.


According to reports the father of 4, who is also the guard at the church, was detained at his apartment. His whereabouts remain unknown.


Prayer points:

  • Pray for God's protection over the Christian who has been detained;
  • Pray that he would be treated justly and released;
  • Pray for his family, that they would experience Jesus' comforting presence during this time of worry. 

Pastor loses both his legs in bomb attack on church in KENYA


One of the grenade attack victims receiving treatment at the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa
(Photo courtesy: Daily Nation)

10 June, At least 15 people were injured when assailants on a motorbike hurled explosives into a church compound in Kenya.


According to reports, the incident occurred during an evangelistic service of the Earthquake Miracle Ministries Church in Mrima Village in the Mombasa District. There were around 50 people present at the time.


It is reported that pastor Collins Maseno lost both his legs in the blast and was left in a critical condition. The senior pastor of the church, Dominic Osano, was also seriously injured in the explosion.


The attack is suspected to have been carried out by Al-Shabaab sympathisers who have recently returned to Kenya from Somalia.


Prayer points:

  • Pray for God's healing mercy upon those injured in the attack;
  • Pray that pastor Collins Maseno would stand firm in his faith and place his trust in the LORD during this difficult time;
  • Pray that Christians would not repay evil with evil, but would respond in Christ-like love;
  • Pray that God would bless the Church in Kenya and enable it, in spite of the persecution, to continue to grow.

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