European Evangelical Alliance News June 2013


EEA News June 2013

Dear Friends,

From 9th of July until 7th of August millions of Muslims will be observing Ramadan. During the same time hopefully hundreds of thousands of Christians will be praying for Muslims in their neighbourhood and around the world. Will you join this prayer initiative which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year? Have you ever visited the website If not I would encourage you very much to do so. Go also to the website’s ordering part and scroll down. You will be amazed in how many languages this prayer guide is available. If you do not have a copy you will be able to order it there.

In Ephesians 6,18 we are told: And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. It would be so interesting and rewarding to sit down with many of you and ask you how you do this in your daily walk with Jesus. There are so many ways and practices. We are not only told to pray five times per day nor are we told to observe a special thirty days of fasting and prayer time. But we are told to pray all the time and on all occasions. A privilege and a challenge in one.
If I could, I would wish that each one reading this article would at least commit to pray through the 30 days of prayer for the Muslim World and on top of this set the alarm on the phone two more times per day just to be reminded to get in sync with God and pray through the Holy Spirit just what comes to mind at that moment. Will you join me?
May our father in heaven who rejoices in the prayers of his children bless you as you come before him
Yours in prayer

Thomas Bucher
General Secretary

Vision 2020 – Activities of other EEA Members

Brussel – Major Step in Adopting Religious Freedom Guidelines – The European Evangelical Alliance welcomes the adoption of the EU Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief on Monday 24 June.
The Foreign Affairs Ministers of all 27 Member States of the EU gathered yesterday in Luxembourg to adopt the Religious Freedom Guidelines. The Guidelines were developed by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and EU Member States in consultation with civil society……..

Ireland – The Dublin Launch of The Global Charter of Conscience –  
Introducing the Irish launch of the Global Charter of Conscience on 9th May, Seán Mullan, from the Evangelical Alliance Ireland, said that there could not be a more appropriate time to raise awareness of such an important Human Rights document.
First published at the European Parliament in Brussels, the Global Charter of Conscience was officially launched in Dublin by its co-author Dr Os Guinness.
In modern times, freedom of conscience is under threat from government oppression……………………

France – In the light of the legalisation of gay marriage and the likely freedom of conscience & expression issues that will emerge from it, le CNEF is reflecting on how the vision of a civil public square…….

United Kingdom – Sadly the UK leads the way in Europe in difficult cases involving Christians’ freedom of conscience being restricted because of sensitivity over gay rights, excessive secularism …..

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Children’s Ministry Networking and projects in Europe – by Harry Bryans

Our European Children’s Ministry Network Facilitation team in collaboration
with the Global Children's Forum has produced a second European version DVD of children's ministry resources. These are available at £0.50 / 0.50 € + postage. Anyone interested in obtaining quantities can contact me.
We had a wonderful Reaching Europe's Children Congress in Barcelona with over 250 participants from 36 countries! This was a significant time and led to many new connections with those who came from each nation present. National teams are being either formed or strengthened. We can already see the ripples of impact beginning to go out across Europe!

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Youth Ministry – by Colin Piper

Youth leaders meeting

In March senior youth leaders from European youth agencies and national youth alliances met at the YFC centre in the Czech Republic to consider how to partner more strategically. Together we drafted a covenant to work together to reach young people and disciple young people in Europe, which we pray will result in much more fruit in all we are doing.

This meeting included a number of key younger leaders, as we continue to explore new frameworks for leadership which draws upon the experience of older leaders ………

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EEA General Assembly

We started registration for the EEA General Assembly from 7 to 11 October. The General Assembly will be held in Stadkanaal, The Netherlands.
Please contact [email protected] for further information or if you wish to participate in the EEA General Assembly.

Prayer & Praise

  • 30 days of prayer for Muslim world
  • preparation for EEA General Assembly
  • EU guidelines for religious freedom


  • 7-11 October EEA General Assembly
Copyright © 2013 European Evangelical Alliance, All rights reserved.


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