Generosity Training Around the World: Updates from the Global Generosity Network

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Generosity Training Around the World
Dear Friend,
After a wonderful two weeks in June in Bangalore, India, it has been a bit of a struggle to adapt back to 'normal' life in England. The South Asia Generosity Consultation, Generosity Training, Fundraising Training and the Global Generosity Trainers Consultation that were held from 13-16 June had been one of the highlights of my ministry; while the Bible expositions at the Lausanne Global Leadership Forum from 17-21 June were some of the best that I have ever heard. As always, these kinds of events are also wonderful opportunities for networking and developing collaboration as evidenced in our connection to work with theological institutions in India to include stewardship and generosity teaching in their curriculum.
This edition of the Movement Newsletter features articles and reports of what is happening in the Christian generosity world: 
1) We were greatly blessed with some Indian key note speakers of the highest quality during the South Asia generosity events. So much so that many of the global generosity trainers often decided to change their programs in order to listen to these Indian speakers. One of them was Mr. Richard Samuel, an Indian business leader – his excellent devotion on Abraham's life as an example of generous living is challenging and inspirational.
2) One of the gems of the generosity world is Dr. Zenet Maramara and the Center for Biblical Stewardship in the Philippines. Few people outside of Southeast Asia might have heard about her but she is becoming one of the pillars of the Global Generosity Network. She shares some information on the Center for Biblical Stewardship in her article.
3) Dr. Maramara played a very important role during the generosity events in Bangalore in June. We hope to organize similar kinds of events in other regions and potentially other countries in the future. It would consist of a day long consultation, a day and a half generosity training, and a day and a half fundraising training.
4) We were very pleased that generosity trainers from Africa, North America, Europe, Southeast Asia and South Asia met for a Global Generosity Trainers Consultation in Bangalore in June. They are now developing a Global Generosity Trainers Network – this short report will give you a taste of what was discussed.
5) In the April Newsletter I included a report from John Rogers of Development Associates International on a ministry fundraising workshop in the Philippines. This latest report shares about their training in St. Petersburg, Russia in June 2013.
6) Finally, I include an explanation by Mike Zserdin of newAnthropy on giving circles that are becoming a key vehicle to mobilize giving. Mike has developed an online platform to facilitate giving through giving circles. At the moment it is only available for giving from the US but Mike intends to expand it to other countries. This has tremendous potential for Christian giving which is far behind secular giving in terms of using technology. I posted information and various resources around giving circles on the Generosity Movement resources site.

I would also like to draw your attention to a number of upcoming events and resources:
You can find resources to help you encourage generosity at the following websites: Generosity Movement Resources and Lausanne Resources. Please download and use these resources as you encourage Biblical stewardship, generous living, Kingdom-focused giving and Kingdom-appropriate fund development.
The sessions of the Lausanne Global Leadership Forum have been put up on the Lausanne Conversation website where they can be watched. The Bible expositions were some of the best I have ever heard during a conference. There is also a clip from our presentation on resource mobilization.
The TWR Faith and Reliance video training for trainers that will help local ministries in their fund mobilization are nearly done. Webinars will start in the beginning of September.
I posted the TWR Faith Reliance booklet with more information on the initiative on the Lausanne Conversation website. TWR is also finalizing dates for their 60 days of generosity to celebrate TWR's 60th Anniversary in 2014.
For more information please contact Barbara Shantz at [email protected].
The South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) is organizing 'Empowering Biblical Stewardship in India: A Two-day Basic Intensive Training for Christian Leaders on the Theology and Practice of Funds Mobilization' from 11-12 September 2013 in Bangalore, India. For more information see this leaflet or contact Felicia Robert, SAIACS Information and Training Coordinator at [email protected]
TWR is also organizing a 48 hour symposium on healthy interdependency from 8-10 October. The symposium will bring together leaders from the business, church and mission communities and will be broadcasted via live webinar. Many highly respected speakers including Ram Gidoomal, Lausanne Movement and Global Generosity Network Chairperson will participate in the event. For more information contact Barbara Shantz at [email protected].
It is still more than a year away, but please put the World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly into your diary. This will take place from 18-26 October 2014 in Korea and will bring together as many as 12,000 evangelical Christians from across the world. This is an event that is not to be missed. The Global Generosity Network will organize various workshops, training and other events during the Assembly. More information and way of registration will follow later this year.
I hope the articles in this Newsletter will inspire you to catalyze increased giving in your area of influence so that people will give to their ability and with joy. This is what happened with the church in Antioch when they helped Christians in Judea in Acts 11:29 – may it also be so with us!
Greetings in Christ,
Dr. Sas Conradie
Coordinator, Global Generosity Network


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