Begun in 1846, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) gives identity, voice, and platform to some 600 million Evangelical Christians in 129 countries.
Since 1977, its Theological Commission (now the Department of Global Theology) has published the Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) as part of its overall vision “to be a prophetic Evangelical voice that is globally representative, faithful to Scripture, theologically informed and which speaks with clarity and relevance to both the church and the world”. 1
Although this journal has served the English-speaking world for over forty years now, there has been a growing awareness of the need for a journal that could serve Spanish-speaking regions, such as Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
With this end in sight, the WEA has launched a Spanish journal called Revista Evangélica de Teología (RET).
RET will be a free electronic journal (just like ERT) and will begin with a biannual publishing schedule, with the hope of eventually increasing publication to four times a year.
Andrew Messmer will serve as editor. He is the academic dean of Seville Theological Seminary (Spain), associate professor at International Theological Faculty IBSTE (Spain), and affiliated researcher at Evangelical Theological Faculty (Belgium), and has published on multiple topics including Old Testament, New Testament, and historical theology. He has also published multiple articles and reviews in ERT.
RET invites potential contributors to submit articles and book reviews to Andrew for consideration.
Articles should be approximately 2,000–6,000 words (including footnotes) and written at a semi-popular level, meaning that they should be academically rigorous but also accessible to pastors, students, and interested laypeople.
Articles can fall under any of the traditional topics of theology: Old Testament, New Testament, historical theology, systematic theology, practical theology, and missions and world religions.
Book reviews should be approximately 600–800 words and should ably summarize the book’s contents, methodology, and unique contribution, as well as engage critically with the book’s overall argument. Book reviewers should request permission to publish their review before contacting the publisher.
Authors writing in English should submit articles and book reviews to ERT’s editor, Bruce Barron, for potential publication in the English journal, from which some articles and reviews may be translated into Spanish for RET. Those writing in Spanish may submit their articles and book reviews directly to Andrew.
We plan to publish the first edition of RET in early 2022, so please do not delay, as the revision process takes several months.
If you would like to sign up to receive this free Spanish journal, you may do so here. Thank you in advance for your support, encouragement and (most importantly) submissions!
1. See their webpage: https://theology.worldea.org.
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